After the visitor with “sunken eyes” said “I know you” and departed the area, Eric Roberts felt uneasy.

After the “sunken-eyed” visitor said “I know you” and left the area, Eric Roberts felt uneasy.

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: On Friday, August 12, an intruder broke into Eric and Eliza Roberts’ Los Angeles home, giving them a terrifying encounter. Eliza spoke to Radar about how they were adjusting after the unsettling encounter. The fact that their home address was private made the scenario considerably scary.

After the burglar told Eric, “I know you,” the couple tightened security and put precautionary measures in place. Casting director Eliza resides with her actor husband Eric, brother of ‘Notting Hill’ actress Julia Roberts and father of actress Emma Roberts.

They were all a little disturbed, Eliza admitted, and they were now tightening their security. They had no lighting, for example, in their driveway. However, since the interaction happened along their driveway, that will now change. She recalled the incident, saying that during the outbreak, in order to get packages delivered, their passcode became public.

Eric Roberts and Eliza Roberts

Eric Roberts and Eliza Roberts

Also, earlier, before the burglary, her purse was missing from her car. As she explained, “Our driveway is quite long, so they had to walk up the driveway and think, what can I find in the car?”, that was enough to scare them. Apart from the inconvenience and shock, she continues, “It’s just a weird feeling that someone was just comfortable enough just to be there.”

A distressing situation is undoubtedly the invasion of their personal space and privacy by a stranger. To top it off, the recent event happened while Eliza’s sister was celebrating her niece’s birthday. Eliza, who accompanied her daughter to the celebrations by car, recalled that her husband was unable to join them due to an early flight the next morning.

She sat in the doorway as her daughter left when the mother-daughter pair arrived. Upon entering, she was surprised to see Eric enter in a bathrobe. He immediately asked her if a man had followed her inside. He talked about meeting the individual and gave a description of his appearance. The burglar “didn’t look good, he looked weird”, according to the witness, who also noted that he had long, unkempt hair and “very sunken eyes”. He even said to Eric, “I know you,” possibly referring to Eric as a follower of his writings or on another level. She said that although her husband was cordial with the man, he made it clear that he had to leave.

The intruder was last seen wandering alone in the shadows. The famous couple quickly reported the incident to the police after realizing they were still in danger. About seven police cars show up to search and patrol the area. The authorities claimed that it was difficult to determine its objectives. “He could just be looking for an opportunity, or he may have looked and decided to move, or he may have planned a trip home,” they speculated. Since then, the couple has ensured that their gate is always securely locked and that their pal, actor Bourke Floyd, who works in law enforcement, is in charge of their protection.

It is understandable that the events left them and their loved ones traumatized and scared. She also said she was grateful that “it wasn’t worse” and that she was now more aware of her surroundings. She went on to say that they were “comforting each other” and everyone was very friendly and kind.

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