Why She-Hulk’s Villain Problem Matters More Than Ms. Marvel’s

In superhero TV shows, saving the thrilling reveal or new direction of the main plot for the final moments of a TV show can be terrifying when fans have already been invested in another villain arc. Disney+ seems to be continuing this trend with its latest legal comedy drama She-Hulk: Lawyer.

You might think, what’s the deal with teasing some of the best for last? Well, it’s the fact that the MCU just introduced a new villain with greater powers when there’s already another one who’s plotted all the bad things in the TV series. This trend has been haunting MCU Disney+ TV series for quite some time now.

She Hulk Fandom Wire
Tatiana Maslany in She-Hulk: Lawyer

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MCU Villain Problems Live On In She-Hulk

Marvel’s Disney+ TV series has introduced many villains, some well-written and some not, to the MCU over the past few years. But was he able to successfully develop these villains into better characters?

She Hulk Fandom Wire
Jameela Jamil as Titania in She-Hulk: Lawyer


She-Hulk: Lawyer‘s Titania is one of the newest additions to a long list of Marvel villains, but she’s also just another fictional villain in the MCU. This is due to the fact the TV show introduced a faceless villain who seems like a big deal at the end of episode six of the TV show.

The villain was revealed in episode three as an “up the food chain” type boss to whom the mercenaries hunting Jennifer Walters in the same episode would report. But there are only three episodes left, which leaves a minimum of time for Marvel to introduce and integrate the new villain into the series.

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This isn’t the first time Marvel has done this – Agatha Harkness has revealed herself to be Wanda Visionthe ultimate antagonist only in episode seven, Vincent D’Onofrio as Kingpin in Hawk Eye, and the crocodile goddess Ammit in Moon Knight are just a few examples of villains who entered the game too late.

Will Marvel continue this trend of introducing a great actor to the TV series after about 5 episodes? because if they do, it will be a difficult task to manage the remaining episodes to turn this villain into a much more terrifying episode.

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She-Hulk’s Villain Problem Is Much Worse Than Ms. Marvel’s

Ms. MarvelThe introduction of as well as the end of The Clandestines was quite an emotional roller coaster.

However, the majority of the show’s criticism was directed at the short tenure of Najma’s outcasts on the TV show, who fans believe needed more screen time to become much more meaningful villains.

She Hulk Fandom Wire
Nimra Bucha as Najma in Ms. Marvel

The problem encountered by Ms. Marvel has been the subject of much debate and discussion in the Marvel community, but She-Hulk: Lawyer proved that Marvel has once again messed up the development of their villains.

The recent glimpse of the big, faceless villain at the end of episode six of Jessica Gao’s TV series was pretty chilling. But that falls a bit flat given that we already have a sassy but mischievous villain in Titania, and the bigger question is how in the world will Marvel work on these two villains in the space of three episodes? ?

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The big reveal of the expected new villain in She-Hulk: Lawyer might come later in the TV show, probably in the season finale, but Marvel could have at least finished off a villain without introducing a whole new big player to the TV show.

Ms. MarvelThe Illegals may have been kicked out too quickly, but at least the TV show was able to focus on this specific group of villains instead of trying to balance it out with two different antagonists.

She-Hulk: Lawyer is currently available to stream on Disney+.

Source: Live

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