Jan Broberg’s Parents: Where Are Bob and Mary Now?
Jan Broberg’s story is examined in ‘Abducted in Plain Sight’ on Netflix and ‘A Friend of the Family’ on Peacock, and through these two depictions we are given a true understanding of how gullible belief can often lead an unrealized tragedy. . After all, the titles imply that the Brobergs’ respected neighbor, a devout Christian family man named Robert “Bob” Berchtold, was the one responsible for the young girl’s successful kidnapping not once, but twice in the years. 1970. But for now, if all you want is to know more about his parents, including their role in this situation, the manipulations they were subjected to, as well as their current situation, we have you covered.

Jan Broberg’s parents
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Who are Jan Broberg’s parents?
On July 31, 1962, Jan Broberg was born as the eldest of three daughters to Robert “Bob” Dean Broberg and Mary Ann Buck Broberg, both of whom were devout members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. . Jan Broberg is the eldest of her sisters. After marrying in a Utah temple just over a year earlier on April 20, 1961, the couple finally decided to settle in the homeland of Pocatello, Idaho, known for its tranquility and natural beauty. It was there that the Idaho State University and Brigham Young University graduate began her work as a florist, while Mary worked hard as a happy housewife to raise their three daughters, whose names are Jan, Karen and Susan.
Because Bob and Mary were caring people who lived in the suburbs, they sensed Robert Berchtold’s appeal soon after he arrived in the area with his family in the early 1970s. that Bob and Mary fell in love with Berchtold so quickly. After that, the two families became undeniably close, spending time together at church parties, sharing dinners, and even traveling on trips. However, the younger generation of the latter family quickly became somewhat fascinated by their eldest. The Brobergs found his behavior bizarre on occasion, but they never thought he would abduct their daughter Jan, so they waited a few days before reporting him missing in October 1974. They never believed that he would take her against their will.
Five weeks later, Jan was picked up from Mexico, but Robert was able to escape all the harsh penalties by manipulating his parents into signing an affidavit that they had allowed him to travel with Jan. This happened five weeks after Jan was rescued. Robert used the fact that Bob helped his then friend down into his vehicle after hearing that his wife Gail Berchtold no longer liked him sexually as a club to his advantage in order to put pressure on Gail and Bob . Bob had done this in the past. The only object that was used to perform this act were hands, according to reports, and while that makes no difference, it’s possible that it was just a one-time affair as he never divulged any details. additional incidents that have taken place. .
However, one of the most confusing parts of this case is the alleged fact that Mary Ann continued to care for Robert (or “B”); in reality, she began having an affair with him in the spring of 1975 and continued it for a total of eight months. Because of this, the matriarch unknowingly allowed her to pay repeat visits to a willing Jan, and she even let her travel alone in Wyoming so she could spend nearly two weeks traveling across the country. with his captor in his motorhome. . After that, Robert kidnapped the teenager again in August 1976, but the FBI was able to find her in California after a period of four months. This discovery ultimately led to the dissolution of the Brobergs’ relationship with the Berchtolds’ family.

Jan Broberg’s parents
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Where are Jan Broberg’s parents now?
In the mid-1970s, frustrated with Mary Ann’s actions as well as the way each of them put his daughters at risk, Bob filed for divorce, but they were soon able to work things out and get back together for good. Indeed, the couple remained married until the death of the latter on November 5, 2018, at the age of 80 in Santa Clara, Utah. This indicates that they have built a stable existence together for at least 57 years. Importantly, he was quite happy with how their family history was depicted in the movie “Abducted in Plain Sight”, which was prompted by the book “Stolen Innocence” written in 2003 by his wife and daughter. daughter.
“Bob said he was so grateful that we portrayed their story in such a sensitive way,” documentary filmmaker Skye Borgman honestly told Vanity Fair in 2019. “Bob said he was so grateful that we presented their story in such a sensitive way. “It was really, really amazing to me, and I think it speaks more to the Brobergs’ ability to be honest and forgiving and just wanting to spread that narrative,” ai I said. “It was really quite shocking to me.” Also, it is of the utmost importance to point out that despite the massive public reaction, Jan does not blame her parents in any way. She believes that they have been victims just like her. Jan once said on Twitter: “[My parents] did not notice the pedophile [in Robert].” [Robert] “To all appearances he was a good guy: married, successful businessman and active in his religion. The grooming was done methodically and consistently over the course of 2.5 years.
During the early years of their relationship, Jan held a great deal of resentment towards Bob and Mary Ann; nevertheless, she eventually forgave them after learning that they were doing their best with the constraints placed on them. She said, “My parents didn’t deny or try to minimize what they did,” and she meant it. “They said we had made the most heinous of mistakes”, They admitted that they were responsible. They didn’t try to defend themselves and instead listened to what I had to say, which improved the quality of their relationship. As a result, Mary Ann accepts responsibility for what happened in the past, despite the fact that she wishes events had never turned out the way they did.
Mary Ann explained: “Honestly, I felt like he was controlling me in so many different ways, and the whole family as well.” “If there’s one thing I could change in my life, it would be that he didn’t meet him. He was an expert at making everyone think they should put him at the top of their list. As for the woman’s current location, we have reason to believe that she lives near Jan and Susan in Utah, the state in which she was born. moved in 2006. However, we are aware that the Child Advocate is a retired social worker who specializes in both adoption and foster care, despite the fact that she does not maintain a particularly active presence on its various social media platforms these days.
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