Marvel Studios is completing Phase 4 of a major sequel that will take the world of Wakanda to greater heights, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever will soon make its MCU debut. A follow-up to one of the most popular standalone MCU films of all time, 2018’s Black Panther, this upcoming film will delve deeper into the legacy of the African nation as the multiverse saga progresses to crazier adventures.
The main characters of Black Panther 2 will engage in a massive conflict with the undersea nation of Talocan, which will be commanded by Namor the Submarine, an underwater mutant making his MCU debut.
And in a recent interview, one of Marvel’s top execs even compared Black Panther 2 to one of the best movies ever made, stating how great the premise of two strong families fighting each other was. comparable to the plot of Black Panther 2.
Nate Moore, vice president of production and development at Marvel Studios, linked the events of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever to those of the classic 1972 film The Godfather in the latest issue of Total Film.
Wakanda Forever is the new godfather?

Wakanda Forever compared to The Godfather
It’s a brave move to compare any movie to Francis Ford Coppola’s The Godfather, which is hailed as one of the greatest movies of all time. But it does make sense considering certain plot aspects of Black Panther 2.
While there may not be mafia families in this film, two prestigious countries will be engaged in fierce conflict, especially in light of the new King of Wakanda. Even though Talokan hasn’t been seen in the MCU yet, Tenoch Huerta mentioned that Namor sees T’Challa as something of an idol, which makes the conflict even more intimate.
Whatever the specifics of the plot, it will only heighten the feeling that Black Panther 2 will no doubt evoke when people mourn the passing of their king. Fans will see the development of the relationship between the two nations from start to finish, especially as the aquatic Talokan people attempt to establish their authority.