The Marvel Cinematic Universe is constantly adding new heroes to its cast. The film directed by Ryan Coogler “Black PantherThe sequel also adds a few new faces to the MCU, including Dominique Thorne as Riri Williamswho will soon feature in his own Disney+ series titled “Ironheart.”
Contrary to Namor by Tenoch Huerta, whose comic book history dates back to 1939, Huey is a relatively new character. Riri debuted in an issue of “Invincible Iron Man” in 2016, and after taking over as the main character in the comic book series, she quickly won over fans.
Iron-Heart couldn’t keep his suit
Riri Williams, played by Dominique Thorne, is a fascinating character that Wakanda Forever has the opportunity to introduce to the world.
Her character doesn’t get much background information, but she’s crucial to the plot due to her cleverness in solving the puzzle of creating a vibranium detector. Naturally, that puts her squarely in the crosshairs of many parties.
The way Riri copes with her father’s death turns out to be one of her important qualities. When Shuri and Okoye find her, she is still busy servicing automobiles, another common interest that she and her father shared.
Riri, of course, does more than just fix cars; she also makes her own Iron Man armors.
The Mark II she makes in Wakanda is incredibly sleek and is constructed from vibranium, unlike his Mark I, which has a few rocky spots.
Unfortunately, she’s forced to return the costume to Shuri and Wakanda at the end of the film, forcing her to reboot her inventions in her own Disney+ series, Ironheart, when it premieres next year.
Iron-Heart’s origins in the comics
A little after Tony and Riri meet for the first time, Tony Stark is crippled by a comic book milestone. Even before forging a heroic identity for himself, Riri feels it’s his responsibility to step up and take on the role of the new Iron Man.
However, because Tony Stark is Tony Stark, he had already prepared a digitized representation of his consciousness to pass on to Riri in order to help her adapt to her new superhero status and serve as an AI for her armor. This AI even helped create the name Iron-heart.
In the MCU, Riri’s journey to becoming Iron-heart may be different, but Tony’s absence presents her with a perfect opportunity to start training as a superhero.
Ironheart will perform after the events of “Wakanda Forever”. In addition to Thorne, Anthony Ramos plays Parker Robbins, aka The Hoodin the Disney Plus series.
According to reports, Lyric Ross, Alden Ehrenreich, Zoe Terakes, Manny Montana and Shea Couleé will all appear in the six-episode series.