INFECTED: Secrets From the Medical Underground Reviews (Self Rely) (Dr. Ralph LaGuardia)

The COVID-19 pandemic rocked the world to the extent that people continue to express gratitude for their survival. To think that just four years ago, we lost millions of people worldwide, experienced a complete shutdown of society, and all had to be cooped up indoors is still startling to us. Since the very existence of time, we’ve overcome the likes of SARS-1, West Nile Virus, H1N1, Mers, Ebola, Zika, and COVID-19. Is this a sign that we’ve reached the end of all possible infections? A medical expert says the next pandemic could be far deadlier than COVID-19. While individuals are less inclined to think too far ahead, the expert advises that people should be prepared anyways, especially knowing how reactions are in times of upheaval. What measures should be considered, you ask? One option is to read INFECTED: Secrets From the Medical Underground.

What is INFECTED: Secrets From the Medical Underground?

INFECTED: Secrets From the Medical Underground is a book by Dr. Ralph La Guardia on how to prepare for infections and what it takes to strengthen one’s immune system. At the heart of this book is a notion referred to by the author as “The Gang of Seven,” in which he elaborates on the seven specific things everyone should consume daily for optimal health. The best thing about this book is how inclusive it is. In other words, people can take preparation steps using staples found at the convenience of their homes. Given the overall aim for INFECTED, let us spend more time on its content.

Learn how to strengthen your immune system today!

What Can We Learn From INFECTED: Secrets From the Medical Underground?

Inside INFECTED, Dr. Ralph La Guardia spends a considerable amount of time lying down:

  • The one thing people with a fever should never do
  • The reasons why symptoms experienced between May and September have nothing to do with the flu
  • His personal COVID protocol that he and his patients used to stay out of the hospital
  • The one nutrient that induces colds, cases of flu, and viruses
  • The reason why the flu virus always originates in Asia and how COVID was manufactured
  • Past pandemics and epidemics and what we’ve learned from each one
  • The shortcomings of multivitamins, precisely what they are missing
  • The importance of an antioxidant cascade

This is only a fraction. Individuals will learn to relieve themselves from the risk of developing respiratory infections, heart diseases, and cancer. When asked who might benefit most from INFECTED, the author listed everyone from “red-pilled patriots, preppers, parents who want to protect their families, [to] anybody else concerned about the elite’s agenda to reduce the population.”

Learn how to stay healthy and fight off infection >>>

What comes with INFECTED: Secrets From the Medical Underground?

In addition to INFECTED as a significant resource to keep on hand, Dr. Ralph La Guardia added four bonus guides that he believes can assist individuals in improving their health. Below is a quick glimpse into each one:

Bonus #1. The Doomsday Survival Medicine Chest

This bonus aims to equip consumers with all the information they need to treat themselves and their loved ones in an emergency where a healthcare practitioner is absent. Individuals will discover a seed that protects brain health, a vegetable that has the benefit of lowering blood pressure levels, steps to growing nutrient-dense foods, a comprehensive overview of mushrooms, an oil with depression-fighting properties, and a spice that reduces blood sugar and eradicates cancer cells, to name a few.

Bonus #2. The Prepper’s Guide to Essential Oils

The Prepper’s Guide to Essential Oils, as the title suggests, exposes the effectiveness of eight essential oils in fighting diseases, whether bacterial or parasitic. Many oils mentioned in this extra have been clinically proven to eradicate pathogens such as MRSA and VRE. Per Dr. Ralph La Guardia, these should be kept in everyone’s medicine cabinets, especially if another pandemic strikes.

Bonus #3. Home Defense Hacks

The following bonus guide is for anyone concerned with rising crime rates. Although these levels are said to have dropped during COVID-19 lockdowns, they have unfortunately resumed. It also doesn’t help that the economy has practically slowed throughout most of 2022 and 2023. To prepare oneself for the worst, this bonus will show everyone the steps that must be taken to keep intruders out. This guide’s basis is the SWAT-level technique, which the expert will dive deeper into.

Bonus #4. Grocery Store Loopholes

The final bonus is a 19-page guide that reveals 11 different ways to save on groceries. A 12-month calendar with the best possible dates to stock up on all goods will also be provided.

INFECTED is a book by Dr. Ralph La Guardia

Purchasing INFECTED: Secrets From the Medical Underground

INFECTED is only available online. Right now, you can get the complete package for only $49! All purchases are covered by a lifetime guarantee. For more information, contact customer service via:

About the Author

Dr. Ralph La Guardia is a medical specialist with over 25 years of experience at his private practice based in Connecticut. His triple specialization includes internal medicine, bariatrics, and geriatrics. Not only that, but the expert has also dabbled into integrative medicine, where he combines the beauty of both worlds: traditional Western and Eastern drugs. Other areas of interest include nutrition (i.e., trace minerals and elements, amino acids, etc.), sustainable gardening, and permaculture, all of which appear to be the basis of INFECTED. Besides authoring INFECTED, Dr. Ralph La Guardia’s The Bible of Alternative Medicine and The Doomsday Book of Medicine.

INFECTED: Secrets From the Medical Underground Final Verdict

Ultimately, INFECTED is a reveal-all book from a medical specialist. In times of despair, nothing beats being prepared. Of course, some things will be unexpected, so it will never be possible to fully anticipate what’s to come. However, getting a foundation from someone who treated patients during COVID, devised a protocol that protected him and his patients from getting COVID, and understands plants, herbs, and critical nutrients is highly advantageous. To some extent, having such well-rounded knowledge may help people think on their feet as to how to protect themselves better—in addition to this resourceful book, Dr. Ralph La Guardia also included three different yet relevant resources free of charge. What more could people ask for? To get started with INFECTED: Secrets From the Medical Underground, visit the official website today!

Keep Reading: Real Health Survival Secrets from the Medical Underground eBook Guides

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Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely substitutes for sound medical or financial advice from a licensed healthcare provider or certified financial advisor. Make sure to consult with a professional physician or financial consultant before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed as the statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA, or Health Canada approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and do not provide any kind of get-rich money scheme. Reviewer is not responsible for pricing inaccuracies. Check product sales page for final prices.

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