Best Creatine Monohydrate Supplements for Muscle Growth

Creatine is made in the body naturally, but if you want to see enhanced strength, speed, and zeal, supplementation may be the best bet. Creatine creates fuel for the body, which is one of the reasons why athletes typically supplement with Creatine. You can find Creatine in foods, like meat, poultry, and seafood- or you can take supplements, such as powder that is mixed to create shakes.

Many people choose to take Creatine in a pre or post workout formulation that is combined with other ingredients that enhance the effects of the Creatine, while also aiding in absorption of the nutrients contained in the product- but more on that later!

What you do need to know is that Creatine is composed of three amino acids, which all contribute to holistic health and wellness, methionine, glycine, and arginine. The main role of Creatine is to preserve, maintain, and build muscle- but there are plenty of other advantages, too. Plus, you don’t have to be an athlete to supplement with Creatine. The health perks of Creatine make sense for many different demographics- would you benefit from taking Creatine? The answer could be ‘yes’ if you are looking to improve the performance and impact of physical activity on your body, including increased strength, more muscle, and greater speed- a more compelling question may be who doesn’t want the advantages of Creatine?

Who Should Use Creatine?

Creatine is one of- if not the- most common health and wellness supplements found, which reinforces the reported results of these products. While most people believe that only body builders supplement with Creatine, the truth is a lot of people do- and if they don’t, they should! With so much scientific evidence of the health perks of Creatine, it could be used by a greater number of people with success. From brain function to disease management, Creatine could be the answer for you.

All these people would benefit from supplementing with quality Creatine products:

  • Bodybuilders
  • Exercise enthusiasts
  • Anyone trying to lose weight while preserving muscle mass
  • Powerlifters or weightlifters, in general
  • HIIT sports participants
  • Anyone participating in activities without a weight class
  • Anyone that wants to live a long and healthy life without the risks and stress of chronic illness

As with any kind of supplement, there are some individuals that should not take Creatine. If you fall into the following categories, speak first with your provider or physician before adding Creatine supplements to your routine:

  • Individuals who have kidney or liver problems
  • Individuals who have used creatine without results in the past

If you don’t have these issues or experiences, Creatine may be something that helps to improve your athletic performance and overall wellbeing.

What does Science Say About Creatine?

Naturally, you may have concerns about taking Creatine supplements- what does the science say about this practice? With its overwhelming popularity, Creatine has been studied and researched extensively. Scientific insiders and industry experts have found that Creatine has many positive effects and impacts on the body that are worth further discussion.

So, what does the science say about supplementing with Creatine? Here is what you should know:

Athletic Performance

So, let’s get a little bit into the overall benefits of taking Creatine, which includes the alluring advantage of improving overall athletic or physical performance when taken. Studies have been conducted and shown that Creatine helps the user maximize their body strength, while also making them faster and speedier. Some of the participants being studied were able to lift heavier weights when supplementing with Creatine, than without- pushing past their own personal best. Creatine showed promise in developing lean muscle mass.

Conversely, Creatine did not show efficacy or improved performance in primarily aerobic exercises, nor should it be used for prolonged periods of time.

Muscle Growth and Development

Again, Creatine is connected and correlated to the growth of muscles and the development of lean muscle mass. Reports indicate that users of quality Creatine products- when taken as directed- demonstrated improvements of up to 15% in overall strength, power, and efficiency. This is a significant measure of improvement, particularly for competitive athletes whereas the slightest increases could make or break their standings.

Strength and Stamina

When supplementing with Creatine, it is not uncommon to also supplement with protein. Many workout formulas pair the two for the most muscle mass and strength possible. You have likely heard that protein is the building block of muscle- well, Creatine is also integral to muscle development and contributes to the strength and stamina needed to get through rigorous or demanding activities.

Injury Recovery

How are you going to feel after a strenuous activity that you went the extra mile to finish? If you supplement with Creatine, you may feel just fine. Creatine is especially helpful for recovery and healing, so it makes sense to take it when working out and bulking up.

Even those that are not focused on fitness, but that could be recovering from an injury or operation may find benefit and expedited healing with Creatine supplementation. Discuss this option with your provider to determine if this is the right strategy for your recovery or rehabilitation.

Joint Health

Are you older? Creatine has been positively associated with improved joint health. In fact, some doctors prescribe Creatine to older patients that could sustain severe, debilitating injuries if they fall. Creatine is often used in conjunction with resistance training among older individuals to improve strength and preserve mobility.

Regardless of how old you are, Creatine supplementation offers benefits and promises improved heath. Creatine is also safer than other products as it does not have the troubling side effects that could pose additional risks to older users. If you want better and healthier joints, the key is increased muscle mass and strength. For many, the solution may be Creatine supplementation.

Cardiovascular Health

Everyone is looking for a way to improve cardiovascular health and wellness, right? Many are finding that Creatine supplements provides just the peace of mind that they are seeking, while also providing scientifically studied heart health benefits.

Creatine supplementation may hold particular advantages for those individuals that have already suffered a heart attack or cardiac event of some kind. Creatine appears to improve and enhance recovery from these injuries, aiding in healing after. Recovery perks from regular Creatine supplementation include improved strength and stamina- as well as possible weight gain.

Cognition and Brain Function

Even if you don’t lift weights or work out, did you know that you can still benefit from taking Creatine? If you want to be sharper, more focused, with better memory, Creatine may be the answer. Studies show that there is a distinct correlation between Creatine supplementation and Cognition- and it is a favorable one.

Studies show that Creatine s effective at aiding memory in individuals of all ages. It also increases focus, improves concentration, and preserves brain function from the deteriorating effects of aging. Creatine preserves cell energy- so it also helps the brain recover and recuperate fast after trauma or injury.

If you are foggy from being overtired, or if you are trying to function in high altitudes, Creatine has been shown to help accommodate and aid the brain so that you are less confused or distractable. If you want to think clearly in whatever situation comes your way, you may want to consider Creatine supplementation.

Diabetes Disease Management

Do you have diabetes? If you do, you may have some experience in trying to maintain a healthy blood sugar level. Creatine has been shown to help diabetics attain normal blood sugar levels so they don’t feel confused, lethargic, or dizzy- which can happen when blood sugar levels are out of control.

Best Monohydrate Creatine Supplements

As you can clearly see, Creatine is favorably attributed to a wide range of health perks and benefits. It is possible that it can help you reach your health and wellness goals, too!

This brings us to the best Creatine supplements and products that are currently on the market and available to consumers widely. Looking to supplement with Creatine? Here are the best monohydrate Creatine supplements available today:



If you have any familiarity with health supplements at all, you have likely heard of some of the products made and manufactured by XWERKS. XWERKS is particularly notable for their Creatine supplement, called aptly enough, Lift. This formula has been shown to offer increased strength and power, and fast! In fact, users report that they feel the boosting effects within minutes of consumption.

This should provide the motivation needed to get through rigorous training regiments, while increasing and defining muscle composition of the body. This product is 100% pure micronized Creatine monohydrate- do your homework and you will see that this is what you want to reach your training goals quick. This product is unflavored, so there are no additives, artificial flavors, or colors added to thi formula.

Performance Lab SPORT Maintain

Performance Lab SPORT Maintain

Another popular product is found available in capsule form, which is Creatine from Performance Lab SPORT Maintain. Maintain asserts that they will restore tired and worn muscles with nutrients which helps them grow and develop with your normal fitness routine.

Plus, Maintain claims to increase endurance, strength, and power with this easy to take formula. Depending on your level of fitness, you may take between six and ten capsules per day. Read the product label for specific information pertaining to dosing and other important usage instructions. This product has received glowing reviews from satisfied customers across the map; check them out online to learn more.

Cellucor Creatine Monohydrate

Cellucor Creatine Monohydrate

Cellucor is another product that gains its efficacy from Creatine monohydrate, again, the most popular form available. Cellucor already has a positive reputation in the health and fitness industry- so you can trust this brand.

One of the biggest selling points of this particular products is the value- customers get more for less with Cellucor. Each container contains 72 dosages or servings- as opposed to the typical 30, or one month usually offered by brands.

This Creatine formula is lauded for being easy to digest and fast to absorb nutrients, so you get the most out of the supplement and foods that you consume. If you are looking for a reliable and affordable option, this might be it.

Onnit Creatine

Onnit Creatine

Onnit is another name in the industry that has garnered a favorable reputation for quality products and customer satisfaction. It is no surprise that this company’s Creatine supplement also is highly rated, ranked, and reviewed. This is another exceptional Creatine Monohydrate formula that promotes strength and fosters efficiency. It has more actual Creatine per serving than other brands, so it is a bit higher in dosing strength.

This product restores ATP so your muscles are fueled adequately and properly for the strenuous activity that you have in store for them. Lift more weight longer with Onnit Creatine.

Optimum Nutrition Micronized Creatine Powder

Optimum Nutrition Micronized Creatine Powder

Another formula that makes this list is the Micronized Creatine Powder by Optimum Nutrition. Another high-quality Creatine Monohydrate product, this is perhaps one of the most popular Creatine supplements found on the market today. Consumers love this brand and this formulation!

The five grams of Creatine in each serving supports the production and restoration of ATP, so you feel rejuvenated and ready to work out.

Expect muscle growth and definition with regular use, plus there are no calories or carbs in this formula so it coincides nicely with any diet or eating plan. You won’t find fillers or artificial ingredients, either- try it out for yourself!

Beast Sports Creature Creatine

Beast Sports Creature Creatine

With a name like Beast, you expect this supplement to be something special. It is true- Beast Sports Creature Creatine delivers on its promise to increase strength and optimize results. This formula has been shown to increase efficacy, that is, you can work out longer and harder than before taking it. This endurance and stamina results in favorable muscle gains.

You also must love the fact that Beast Sports packages this product so thoughtfully and interestingly- did we mention that it is available in a range of tasty flavors, too? If unflavored supplements are your thing, you are in luck; Beast Sports makes an unflavored version. If unflavored supplements are not your thing, you may find just what you want with this Creatine Monohydrate, available in pink lemonade, cherry limeade, beast punch, or citrus.

One thing that you can count on with Beast Sports is their variety of options available to buyers. In fact, you can buy Beast Sports Creature Creatine in both powder and capsule form- truly something for everyone.

CRN-5 by Crazy Nutrition

CRN-5 by Crazy Nutrition

Crazy Nutrition has been bringing quality fitness supplements to their consumer audience for years. Their CRN-5 formula is no different; this is a high-quality Creatine Monohydrate product that increases strength, builds muscle, and heightens cognition for users that take it as directed.

This formula also utilizes five forms of Creatine to ensure users get the most bang for their buck. With added electrolytes, the user feels invigorated and restored, too, both during and after a hard workout.

NSP Nutrition Muscle Power Creatine

NSP Nutrition Muscle Power Creatine

Want to be more powerful? Muscle Power Creatine by NSP Nutrition promises this- and more! It is a product that is somewhat distinctive on this list as one of its documented perks is weight loss. Plus, it promises to help you gain lean muscle faster than other products can.

Also, the Creatine Monohydrate formula gives you a boost of energy, which may increase motivation, and enhanced strength to beat your own personal best performance. You will find no fillers in this formula, and at around $1 per serving, it is hands-down a fantastic value.

Elm & Rye Creatine

Elm & Rye Creatine

Elm & Rye is a brand that is associated with higher end and high-quality fitness products and formulations. Their Creatine is somewhat legendary and has created a reputation and niche for this company and brand. This Creatine product prides itself on the fact that it reduces fatigue during high intensity workouts. This leads to improved gains and muscle growth that would otherwise not be possible.

Elm & Rye promise more energy and endurance- plus shorter recovery times after you work out. This is a capsule form Creatine Monohydrate that is easy to swallow and convenient to take.

Supplementing with Creatine

There is a synchronicity that occurs when Creatine is combined with other nutrients and ingredients. The best way to find this beneficial pairing is to review various workout formulations and supplements to see what is inside. Manufacturers understand this compatibility and often design their supplements to maximize effects and optimize these relationships. Get the most from your Creatine supplementation by making sure the workout product you use contains one or more of these ingredients, too:

Alpha Lipoic Acid

ALA is the short name for Alpha Lipoic Acid, which pairs perfectly with Creatine. In fact, taking a Creatine supplement without ALA is doing yourself a bit of a disservice. ALA helps with strengthening bones while also increasing the disposal of glucose. Reading the label of your favorite workout product or formula is the best way to ensure that you are getting all the benefits of ALA in conjunction with Creatine.


Beta-alanine has an interesting side-effect: it can create a tingling sensation on the skin in some users. Since Creatine and Beta-alanine both improve endurance and increase strength, it makes the most sense to pair the two for a boost of muscle-building power during your workout regimen. It is recommended that you pair the two for periods of up to four weeks for optimal results.


When it comes to the relationship between Caffeine and Creatine, they don’t always mix. The two do not offer compounded benefits when taken together, but they can work if you take them at different times of the day. Also, if you are supplementing with Creatine, prevent issues and optimize results by limiting your intake of caffeine. Both can have helpful advantages when taken before your workout, but take the Creatine at least a couple hours before and take your caffeine right before your workout, like less than a half hour, for optimal energy during rigorous activities.


Sure, you have probably heard that you must limit your carb intake to get fit. While this has some validity, if you are supplementing with Creatine, you need carbs as well as protein for optimal results. The reason has to do with your body’s reaction and sensitivity to insulin- you want to get the most from the carbs, Creatine, and protein, particularly following your training.


Leucine is perhaps the most vital of all amino acids. It is reputed to be responsible for building lean muscle as well as improving your athletic and physical performance. For the best chances of building lean muscle mass and recovering after a rough workout, make sure that any Creatine formulation also includes the very-important amino Leucine. Read the label to determine what other ingredients are in your favorite products.

Side Effects of Creatine

Is there anything on the market that is completely devoid and free of side effects? The side effects of Creatine are quite minimal. With that being said, if you have a history of kidney or liver issues, you should only supplement with Creatine after consulting with your health provider. Beyond that, Creatine seems safe and harmless to most any user.

Even when you take Creatine for an extended period of time- which many do- the side effects are rare. With the increase in muscle mass, one side effect that should be anticipated is weight gain. If you have high blood pressure or suffer from hypertension, you should only supplement with your doctor’s guidance. Furthermore, Creatine could interact with some over the counter and prescription medications, so if you take any meds, discuss possible risks with your providers.

Creatine is a popular and relatively safe way to improve athletic performance and holistic wellness. Do you supplement with Creatine? It is a common ingredient in many pre workout and post workout formulas intended to improve your performance when exercising, while also providing long-term health perks. If you have more questions regarding Creatine, talk to your trainer, provider, or doctor to learn more.

Read: Best Creatine for Athletes: Top Creatine Powders

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The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team. Please know we only recommend high-quality products.


Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely substitutes for sound medical or financial advice from a licensed healthcare provider or certified financial advisor. Make sure to consult with a professional physician or financial consultant before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed as the statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA, or Health Canada approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and do not provide any kind of get-rich money scheme. Reviewer is not responsible for pricing inaccuracies. Check product sales page for final prices.

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