According to this new case study, the genes which cause obesity can be prevented by certain drugs. This study promises that efforts for developing the drugs could treat obesity, this study is identified by the scientists and found 14 genes that are causing weight gain where among them 3 are preventable.
According to the findings, paving the way for treatments can combat the health problems which affect more in American adults with 40 percent. The research was conducted at different levels and the experts came to know the genes that lead one to obesity. If they can be controlled one can control the weight gain in a short span.
Obesity Causing Genes Can Be Prevented With Drugs To Stop Weight Gain
In the USA, Obesity is the biggest challenge for many people among which few may be suffering this condition due to genes only and they can be helped out by this new drug.
Eyleen O’Rourke is the lead researcher and author of this study. He says that “hundreds of gene varieties are having likely factors towards the individuals who are suffering from other diseases as well as obesity”
Researchers say that level of uncertainty is having a major barrier that can exploit the population power with genomics for identifying the targets to cure and treat obesity. For overcoming this type of barrier, the automated pipeline is tested simultaneously.
On this note, hundreds of genes are playing a causal role in obesity cause. O’Rourke stated that “the first round of experiments is uncovered by the dozen genes which could cause 3 genes to prevent obesity”
In addition, he states that “we are trying to anticipate about the approaches along with the new genes which are uncovered by accelerations for the treatment development to decrease obesity burden”
Researchers are investigating obesity and genes where O’Rourke is helping with new researches which shed the light on a complex intersection between diet, DNA, and obesity.
The term obesity had become an epidemic which drives larger parts with high-calorie diets that are added with high fructose contents and sugar syrups.
Researchers are trying to identify the increased sedentary lifestyle for playing the bigger parts to regulate the fat storage similarly to know the affecting factors that bodies are burned for food as fuel if this happens then seeking the inactivation within drugs can be done.
According to this study, geneticists identified genes in hundreds that are associated with obesity, and genes are having less and more prevalence among obese people compares with healthy weight people.
On this note, challenges are determined by the genes for controlling the casual roles which are directed by the promotions to prevent weight gain.
The O’Rourke team had turned some tiny worms to live by enjoying rotting vegetation and feasting microbes. This finding shares 70 percent of the genes among people who become obese by eating excessive amounts of fructose and sugar.
O’Rourke had also done some collaborations by using worms under screening tests about 293 different genes which are associated with obese people. The only goal of this study is to find the actual cause of obesity and its prevention.
Researchers have together done this by developing newer worm models related to obesity which feeds them by a regular diet and high fructose diet.
On this note, obesity models are coupled for automation and learned by assisted testing through supervised machines, this theory allowed 14 genes that cause obesity and three of them were meant to help for preventive measures.
On a final note, anti-obese therapies are needed urgently for reducing the burden of the health care system on obese patients. O’Rourke studied all the combinations of genes and anti-obesity targets that are having likely factors to succeed in clinical trials.