During routine medical assessments, children with autism spectrum disorder are twice as likely to express suicidal thoughts, according to a new study by the Kennedy Krieger Institute.
Study authors, including Kennedy Krieger’s associate chief medical officer and study leader Suzanne Rybczynski, MD, MSHCM, stressed that suicide risk screenings are essential for children with neurodevelopmental disorders, including those with autism spectrum disorder, according to the study.
Suicide Thoughts Are Twice As Common In Children With Autism
The experts have tested numerous samples with the latest methods of analysis that have resulted in a conclusion, as mentioned. The mental trauma that one has to suffer due to his poor health status may lead one to severe depression, and ultimately he may think about ending life with the help of an easy option.
Here it must be noted that autism is one of the most spreading diseases all over the USA, and experts carry out numerous researches that can help control the same.
Even a child’s parents may not be able to determine if their child is having suicidal thoughts, also called suicidal ideation. There is a reason for this, in part, because children who are suicidal will not speak directly about them as an adult would.
An interest or preoccupation with committing suicide or death is more likely to manifest as suicidal thoughts in a child. These preoccupations may be visible in the way children dress, what they watch on television, what they read in journals, what they write on their homework, or when they identify with others who are depressed or have made references to suicide.
One out of six children suffers from mental health issues. Depressive disorders, anxiety, and conduct disorders (a behavioral problem) are often a reaction to the things that are happening in their lives.
Mental health, especially suicide, is something that needs to be discussed and de-stigmatized, Rybczynski said. We recognize that mental health is an integral part of our overall health and a key part of our lives. Self-screening for suicide risk is an important part of routine medical screenings.”
In a study conducted to lower the risk of suicide among children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disabilities, researchers concluded that implementing a routine suicide risk screening program, identifying those at risk, and providing follow-up mental health care to patients in need constitute feasible steps.
People ages 10 to 34 die from suicide in the United States more than any other cause.
As part of any outpatient screening at Kennedy Krieger Institute, Kennedy Krieger clinicians screen all patients ages 8-18 for suicide risk based on four questions. NIMHD developed these questions for suicide risk screenings.
Physicians, nurses, psychotherapists, and social workers perform suicide safety assessments when patients answer yes to any of the four questions. According to the assessment, a mental health plan was formed for the patient.
Rybczynski said we should not ignore children with neurodevelopmental disabilities when planning early suicide prevention efforts. It is possible for a patient to have suicidal thoughts even if we do not think they are capable of doing so.”
During a six-month period, the researchers screened children for suicide risk and found that children with neurodevelopmental disorders experienced suicidal ideation as frequently as their peers. Almost twice as many children with autism were found to be considering suicide in these screenings, a result that is consistent with other studies performed on this population, Dr. Rybczynski said.
Now a study is needed to validate the suicide risk screening tool that researchers developed for children with neurodevelopmental disabilities and to demand routine suicide risk screenings for all children so that those who require assistance can be identified, Dr. Rybczynski said.