A new study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society found that learning the use of smartphones among older adults with mild dementia can help in memory aids and not to leave a single everyday task.
The Smartphone makes it easier to remember completing the task at the right time so that quality of life remains with completed responsibilities.
Currently, elder people are been urged into losing memories and most of their daily chores, apparently using smartphones will give them aid of not forgetting the regular everyday work.
Remembering Daily Tasks Made Easy With Smartphone Technology
The use of a voice recorder app and a reminder app helps dementia older adults to remember their entire daily task has to be done. Providing coaching to 52 older adults makes learning better use of Smartphone technology.
The result shown after four-week of provided coaching increased performance of the daily routine task is improved with the help of Smartphone technology. A study tested the effect of two basic Smartphone apps; a reminder app and a voice recorder app.
Testing practically with investigators resulted in a very good performance level. The week-1 reminder app favors the old age adults and in week-4 the voice recorder app functioned in association with enhanced memory power and great improvement in the daily task activities.
The researchers found that the older people with the use of Smartphone apps made their lives much easier to remember daily tasks. Free available smartphone aids should be shared with dementia patients to help in providing support and care for their quality of life said the study authors.
These Smartphone apps made their everyday function independent of life. Through this, the older people need not depend on others so that they could remind you of upcoming task tomorrows.
Michael K.Scullin, a lead author at Baylor University found that participants are enjoying the use of Smartphone memory apps as their daily task activity performance is getting improved day by day only because of these apps.
To spread the opportunity to improve in daily tasks, technology companies have decided to launch broad adoption of Smartphone memory aids into the marketing campaign. This will greatly help people at the stage of Alzheimer’s disease.
Participants provided with coaching and demographic use of reminder and voice recorder app will help in giving a higher rating to their quality of life. Participants with Alzheimer’s diseases and dementia patients will make a great turnover on improving the functioning of memory.
There are ranges of apps present in smartphones that can remind you by establishing a routine of activities. Through the voice recording app, you can record your voice for tomorrow’s activity and then set it into an alarm tone then you will not forget about that task.
Through the reminder app, you can get sticky notes to write what is required task had to do in upcoming days and then pin them to the home screen. By this whenever you are using Smartphone it will always remain on your home screen.
These are the best apps for a dementia patient to support and caregivers too. In addition, these app aims to send reminders directly to another person’s phone which you have set as a closed one, and a repeat reminder feature is also available to receive voice recordings in smartphones.