Georgia Has To Deploy National Guards At Hospitals And Test Centers

Georgia reported a single-day caseload of over ten thousand infections on Tuesday. Thus, this harsh time has led to pulling up guard at all healthcare facilities due to overcrowding. The Governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp announced that he would be deploying guards at the hospitals and test centers in the state. 

Georgia Has To Deploy National Guards At Hospitals And Test Centers

The governor also revealed the figures and it is 100 for hospitals and 96 for the testing centers, to be exact. Georgia Department of Community Health has said, that it will provide more information on the deployment of the remaining 2,300 troops in the days to come. 

Georgia Has To Deploy National Guards At Hospitals And Test Centers

Kemp released a statement for Georgians, saying that they had done it before and would also come out of the Omicron scare situation successfully. The extra troop deployment has made the place secure and can also stop untoward incidents from happening, as people are also frustrated. 

The deployment of security forces will likely organize the situation at the healthcare centers and facilities. And it promises to minimize the waiting times. The governor has urged people to cooperate with the guards as well. 

Georgia has clocked in more than 13,000 cases against the previous record of 10,000 last January. It is supposedly the highest this time. Rising infections have led to an increased demand for testing. The drive-in center has been seeing a lot of activity, with cars lining the driveways with several drivers waiting for long hours. 

Kemp has also released certain statements, where he says that those who are fully vaccinated and have received booster shots are coping well with infections. He even went on to say, that such individuals are showing fewer symptoms and are mostly asymptomatic. 

The governor said that he would continue others to get their complete schedule done, so as to maximize protection from the virus. He is not planning to introduce any mask mandates as of now. The governor says that he wants to trust the citizens and let them decide what is best for them. 

Governor Kemp has said that he does not believe in restraining orders on the citizens. That is the sole reason why he has not even passed any mandate for the vaccination of employees at business centers or other public places around the town. 

However, this is news for all to know that Georgia has not deployed guards for the first time. In August 2021, during the Delta surge, the Governor had done the same. The governor had deployed more than 2,500 guards at that time. 

There were huge surges due to the Delta virus at several hospitals in the state. The governor had probably had to deploy the guards to control the situation. The biggest new year festival in Atlanta one of the cities in Georgia had canceled their Peach Drop ceremony. 

Approximately 60,000 people were supposed to join in the celebrations to ring in the New Year. As positive cases rise, this is a decision that the mayor has had to take. 

The Peach Drop is being canceled for the third time, starting 2019. New year celebrations across many towns and cities are being called off by the organizers themselves. Thus, the government is not really having a hard time enforcing new laws and mandates. People have understood what’s good for them, and are doing the same. 

Atlanta is also encouraging masks indoors. It is already in the yellow zone, where infections are concerned. The government has also asked people to wear masks for all outdoor events. So, time will tell, how people are coping with the situation today. Emory University in Georgia has also said that spring classes will not resume until Jan 31. 

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