According to the recent reports from the Real Housewives franchise, they will release yet another season of the limited series ‘Ultimate Girls Trip.’
Real Housewives Season 3 Of The Ultimate Girls Trip Series Finally Announced
The ‘Real Housewives: Ultimate Girls Trip’ is produced and developed by Peacock studios. It had its first season released back in November of 2021.

It had gotten permission from the original franchise to release the limited edition series in April of 2021. Since its release, there has been a lot of hype among the original ‘Real HouseWives’ fans regarding the new storyline.
When Will The Season 3 Of Real Housewives: Ultimate Girls Trip Be Released?
As per reports of Peacock, it currently does not possess any proper plan for releasing season 3 anytime soon.
The lack of planning regarding the release date for the newly announced season is because season 2 of the series has not been released yet.
Season 2 of the limited series will be released on television on the 23rd of June this year. The first release of season 2 will be followed by its consecutive episodes from next week.
Per the schedule followed by the series, a new episode will be released every Thursday.
Although the dates for Season 3 have not been announced to the public yet, fans generally expect that the newly announced season for ‘Real Housewives’ will get released by the end of this year.
The Cast of Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip Season 3
The Real Housewives series currently contains some well-recognized characters, most of whom will also play a part in this limited series.
The Case Of Season 3 Contains
Dorinda Medley[Hosting Duties for the Housewives]
Jill Zarin.
From Real Housewives Atlanta
Eva Marcille
Phaedra Parks
From Real Housewives Orange County
Vicki Gunvalson
Tamra Judge
From Real Housewives Beverly Hills
Taylor Armstrong
Brandi Glanville
It is pretty interesting to see the variation in characters. The storyline of the limited series is very well designed, as per many of the directors and producers.
It has managed to build a storyline based on a girl’s holiday trip that includes many well-recognized characters from all the other Real Housewives series.
Thus, it is currently one of the most fan-favorite series in the ‘Real Housewives franchise history.’
What Is The Storyline Of The Limited Series?
The story of the ‘Ultimate Girls’ Trip begins with Dorinda Medley, who starts by showing all the memories of the housewives. Who Enjoys a world-class luxurious holiday while indulging in antiques and a lot of drama.
The housewives are celebrating their holiday in the lush Berkshire countryside.
Initially, the series shows all the housewives packing their bags and getting ready to leave their respective cities from their storylines. The opening scene of the series also includes the theme songs from each.
The women are seen packing very lightly for their holiday, which is supposed to last only eight days.
Many fans are hyped due to the epic opening scene where all the wives are shown from their respective Real Housewives series.
The series not only managed to create an entirely new storyline by combining all the previously famous sequences from the Real Housewives franchise but also to unite all the fans of the different series.
As per reports, this limited series is currently having the most views per episode per week than any other episode from other series.
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