The stormy love life of a Native American teenager named Devi Vishwakumar is the subject of Netflix’s “Never Have I Ever.” Although the tale’s protagonist initially has a crush on Paxton, the school’s most popular kid, she soon finds herself in the middle of a love triangle when her bitter rival Ben changes his ways and shows anger. interest in dating. Des, a different potential partner who has their own advantages and disadvantages, is introduced in the third season.
Devi receives a nickname from each of the three boys she falls in love with. Paxton continues to call him by his last name, Vishwakumar, while Ben takes a completely different approach. She responds to David. We have the answer to your question about why Ben calls Devi, a girl with an unmistakably masculine name. Here’s all the information you need regarding the genesis of the nickname.
Why is Ben calling Devi David?
Ben and Devi are initially bitter adversaries in their relationship. They are both exceptionally talented in class and have been vying for the top grade in the class for a very long time. They often make fun of each other, especially when it comes to their names and how well-liked they are at school. Ben, who was then dating Shira, gave Devi and her friends Eleanor and Fabiola the nickname “UN” in season one (un-effable nerds). He does this to irritate people and get under their skin.
He takes his taunt Devi even further by referring to her as David. Although it ends up being an endearing term in later seasons, given Ben’s feelings for Devi, it initially comes off as unpleasant and maybe even a little bigoted. He changes his name – which he can actually pronounce – to a westernized name, something people with “difficult” names have to deal with. However, this intentional insult goes even further.
Ben and Devi often become so hostile towards each other that they start making fun of each other’s appearance. Ben mocks Devi in an instant because she has a mustache that makes her look masculine. For the same reason, he changes the girl’s name to a boy’s, making her feel self-conscious about his appearance. Devi, however, doesn’t doubt herself based on another nerd’s word and responds by claiming that at the very least she can grow a mustache. Ben finds this demeaning because, despite being in his late teens, he is still not able to grow a mustache, which is usually a sign of maturation and maturity.
It’s also intriguing how Ben stops calling her David once they start dating or when he starts worrying about her. Due to the erratic nature of their relationship, they often have ups and downs where one of them becomes furious with the other and they start taunting and teasing each other again. Ben calls him David again in these cases. Devi, on the other hand, is long past the point where she can be bothered by Ben calling her and now accepts it in stride, offering a few insults in return.