Why was the Sakaarian ship looking for the Hulk?

The reason for Jennifer Walters and Bruce Banner’s accident was a Sakaarian ship that just appeared out of nowhere in front of their car, and it fell down the hill, causing all the damage.

But why was a Sakaaran ship looking for Jen and Bruce on Earth? Bruce talked about it for a little while onscreen, but fans wanted to know more. But again, Marvel doesn’t want to waste screen time by deviating from the main character.

Bruce talks about the Sakaarian ship

Sakaaran ship

When Jeniffer wakes up in Bruce’s lab, she walks up to Bruce and asks, “Did we get hit by a spaceship?”

Bruce talked a bit about his events on Sakaar, which we have known about since Thor: Ragnarok. He fled the planet earlier with Thor, and that may be why Sakaar is stalking Bruce Banner. Maybe we’ll get a different angle on that when a Hulk movie or series comes out in the future.

Marvel hasn’t said much about the Hulk’s accidental version of the story. But the scene immediately jumped to show Jennifer’s vital signs as well as her gamma radiation levels.

Jennifer was stressed to be part of it

She Hulk Lab Scenes

Jennifer was stressed about being the new Hulk and having those powers. But that stress didn’t last much longer as Bruce explained what would happen if she returned to the world without learning how to control the beast.

He didn’t want his sister to go through everything he went through as the Hulk. So, he takes over the training and helps her control her alter-ego. But it turned out pretty easy for Jennifer.

And with all of that, Marvel has just hijacked fans of the Hulk story and put us all into the plot of She-Hulk. They did this intentionally to show us that they will not focus on other characters but only on those who will be the main protagonist of this story.

But we’ve seen Iron Man trending in Captain America: Civil War, and Wanda in Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness (LOL). We can now predict that Marvel is changing its approach to building character and story in its films and series.

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