Planet of the Apes is a live-action adaptation loosely based on the French novel The Planet of the Apes written by Pierre Boulle and published in 1963. The work has since inspired several films and television series covering the second half of the 20th century. However, it wasn’t until the 2011 film, The Ascension of the Planet of the Apesthat the franchise began to garner public acclaim and achieve stratospheric success.
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Planet of the Apes Stories that have captivated the world
The original series of adaptations of the literary tale managed to achieve strong box office success, leading to a handful of reboots and reruns to a close range of theatrical releases. However, production then simmered with multiple projects having already exhausted the work of fiction to the point of overuse.
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In 2001, Tim Burton revived the story once again for a standalone film which then gradually died out. However, a decade later, Andy Serkis would blow the world away by The Ascension of the Planet of the Apes and its sequels with a surreal performance as Caesar – one that would become a full origin saga telling the tragic tale of one species’ survival against the pride of mankind, and the latter’s scramble to maintain the power at the top of the food chain.
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Planet of the Apes Is called to live again by Disney
After half a decade of inactivity, the Planet of the Apes saga is being rebooted by Disney, which had already considered the renewal of the franchise when it acquired 20th Century Fox. With Wes Ball taking on the role of director, the casting and screening process has already begun. From now on, THIS Star Owen Teague has landed the lead monkey role as the search for the lead human role continues.
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According to reports, Ball has been working on his script since 2019, and given the tight timeline in which we’re witnessing the overhaul of such an important franchise, it’s safe to assume the script left a strong impression on studio executives. Production on the latest Planet of the Apes the film is set to premiere in late 2022.
Source: Deadline