There are various speculations that Chris Chan is free. On social networks, responses to these discussions have been observed.
A leaked phone call revealed Christine Chandler, also known online as Chris Chan, had sex with her 79-year-old mother, leading to her arrest and incest charge on August 1 2021.
She was then taken to the Central Virginia Regional Jail and held there without bond.
Despite the trans vlogger’s preferred pronouns, the Greene County Sheriff’s Office referred to Chandler as “he” in a Facebook post that validated the incest complaint to a Chandler chief.

Chris Chan
Reddit: Did Chris Chan Escape Jail?
Rumor has it that Chris Chan has escaped from prison, although this information is unconfirmed.
West Regional Jail in Henrico County, Virginia is where the YouTuber and blogger, whose real name is Christine Weston Chandler, was arrested.
She could serve up to 10 years in prison after being held for incest. Officers “obtained information about sex crimes against a family member, who resides in the Ruckersville area,” the Greene County Sheriff’s Office said on July 31, 2021.
The Henrico Police Department located and detained “Christine Weston Chandler, aka Chris Chan of Ruckersville, VA” one day after an arrest order was issued.
The penalty for incest in Virginia is a Class 5 felony and includes “a term of imprisonment not less than one year and not more than ten years, or at the discretion of the jury or the court deciding the case without a jury. , imprisonment for not more than 12 months and a fine not exceeding $2,500, either or both.
Since 2004, numerous works of art have featured Chan’s Sonic the Hedgehog and the Pokemon comic book character Sonichu. Another character she invented was Rosechu, who was Sonichu’s love interest in the series.
Why was Chris Chan arrested?
When it was discovered that Christine Chandler, also known online as Chris Chan, had had sex with her 79-year-old mother in a leaked phone call, she was arrested and charged with incest on 1st of August.
When Chris was first brought to court, she argued that she could not afford a lawyer. As a result, Judge Kenneth Andrew Sneathern decided to choose David Heilberg to represent Chan.
The judge also remanded the case to Greene County Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court (JDR). Chris requested that when she next appeared in court, the judge recognize her as a woman.
The Central Virginia Regional Jail had given her a male gender despite the fact that she was transsexual. Chan came out as transgender in a 2017 Facebook post and, according to court records, legally changed her name to Christine.
Chris has been in state custody since her arrest. It is rumored that she spent some time in Staunton at Western State Hospital in Virginia before returning to Central Virginia Regional just before her court hearing in late July 2022. It is unclear why authorities advised Chris to use installation.

Chris Chan was arrested in 2021 for incest
Chris Chan is trending on Twitter
Considering that there is speculation that Chris Chan escaped, people started tweeting and discussing her. Misinformation still abounds in the legal case of Chris Chan, who recently appeared before a grand jury and attracted new attention online.
The trial of Kristen Chandler, who spent more than a year in prison, will continue and be heard by a grand jury, leaving many confused and forcing some to call the court to ask what is going on.
Although the crime has been discussed, the trial has started and there have been recent rumors that people will be summoned to court, none of this seems to be happening at the moment.
If there was enough verifiable evidence to support the charges, a grand jury could decide whether or not to indict Chris-Chan with a crime.
Despite what the fan art depicting Chris-Chan in court suggests, Chandler and the defense didn’t really participate in the grand jury phase of the trial while the state tried to assess his evidence and formulate charges, what they thought was better stuck.
Christine Weston Chandler Biography
Christine Weston “Chris” Chandler, formerly known as Christian Weston Chandler, is a YouTube vlogger and the author of the webcomic Sonichu. She was born Christopher Weston Chandler on February 24, 1982. He inspired countless documentaries based on his life and is considered one of the most recorded people in human history.
Early life
On February 24, 1982, Christopher Weston Chandler was born in Charlottesville, Virginia. He is the son of General Electric engineer Robert Franklin Chandler Jr. and secretary Barbara Anne Weston, who were 40 and 54, respectively, at the time of Christopher’s birth. Chandler has three older half-siblings and is of English and French-Canadian ancestry, despite his claims of Cherokee ancestry in numerous videos. However, a 23andMe DNA test reveals no evidence of Native American ancestry. Although autism is a genetic condition and not triggered by outside events, Chandler said an abusive babysitter locked him in a playroom with the lights off when his parents were away when he was a young child. He now blames this event for the development of his autism.
Chris was born deaf and mute and received speech therapy at James Madison University. At the age of five, Chris was diagnosed with high-functioning autism.
Chris attended Greene County Elementary School from kindergarten through third grade before transferring to Nathaniel Greene Elementary School in fourth grade. Chris claims that while he was dating Nathaniel Greene, five teachers allegedly abused him by holding his wrists and ankles, pinning him to the ground and recording his screams.
After these cases, Bob sued the school district; the lawsuit was ultimately dismissed in 1994. Chris and Bob moved from their Ruckersville home to Richmond, Virginia, while Barbara remained in Ruckersville with the family dog so she could continue working at Virginia Power; at that time, Chris would be homeschooled in fifth grade. Bob rejected the recommendation because he feared his son would be institutionalized. After graduating from Province Middle School in 1996, Chandler continued his education there. Around the same time, Barbara moved in with Bob and Chris after retiring from Virginia Power.
When Chris went to the Regency Square Mall in Richmond for shopping in December 1992, he came across the Leonard Bearstien Symphony Orchestra (an animated character show performed during the Christmas season). The Leonard Bearstien interpreter asked Chris his name but misheard “Christopher” as “Christian”. By December 1993, Christopher’s name had been legally changed from Christopher to Christian, becoming Christian Weston Chandler following Chris’ interpretation of this as a meaningful message that he should be called Christian.
The first installment of Chandler’s “Sonichu” webcomic series, whose main character is a cross between Sonic the Hedgehog and Pikachu, was released on March 24, 2005.
In 2007, Chandler caught the attention of 4chan and Encyclopedia Dramatica, and as a result he gained some notoriety online. His handcrafted Sonichu medallion, his childhood artwork, and his story of wandering public places in search of a romantic partner all contributed to the initial infatuation. Christian was soon the victim of internet harassment and trolling due to his peculiar behavior.
Private life
Chris-Chan began identifying as Christine, a lesbian, in 2017. After attempting to remove cases for the Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric video game at GameStop and assaulting a worker, Christian was arrested in 2014.
After being laid off by a nearby Wendy’s fast food franchise in 2001, Chandler hasn’t had a job since.
On July 30, 2021, a nine-minute phone call between a troll and Chris was uploaded along with a number of screenshots. During the call, the troll was able to get Chris to admit that he had molested his mother, Barbara Chandler, and that the assaults had been happening since June. Following the leaks, a YouTuber named Dillion Thomas later posted screenshots of a conversation he had that same day with Chandler in which Chandler seemed to validate the claims.
On August 1 of the same year, Chandler was apprehended at a hotel in Charlottesville; the arrest was broadcast live. Chris was arrested and taken to Henrico County Jail for incest, a Class 5 felony in the state of Virginia. A few days later, Chris was transferred to the Central Virginia Regional Jail. Chris repeatedly interrupted the judge, stomped and inquired about the property in the home during the August 8 court proceedings in Greene County Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court. As a result, Chris was denied bail; the next hearing date, which had been set for September 16, was then postponed.