Helaena Targaryen had a very small role in House of the Dragon. She only appeared in a few scenes and fans noticed she had a weird quality to her. So far, we’ve seen her playing with bugs and talking cryptically like riddles in episodes 6 and 7. However, she’s actually influenced the show a lot with her few appearances. It has been noticed that through these puzzles, she makes predictions about the future and prophecies. We already know about Aegon’s dream and it seems Helaena Targaryen has a similar quality.
Who are the Dreaming Dragons?

Dragon Dreams in House of the Dragon
Some members of the Targaryen family may view prophecies as dreams that help them predict future events. They are known as the Dreaming Dragons. They don’t have to be a Targaryen, as long as they are of Valyrian descent and the blood of old Valyria runs through their veins. Also, these dreams usually involve dragons. Several of these prophecies were referenced in House of the Dragon itself. Daenys the Dreamer predicted Valyria’s Fate. Then Aegon the Conqueror foresaw the severe winters that would engulf Westeros and so decided to conquer it. Finally, Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones also had dragon dreams. She was tormented by a black dragon in her dreams. Similarly, we believe that Helaena Targaryen is also plagued by such dreams. And we have evidence to support the same.
Helaena Targaryen predicts Aemond will lose an eye

Helaena Targaryen predicts Aemond will lose an eye
During Episode 6 of House of the Dragon, Aemond is brought before Alicent for wandering the dragon pit in an attempt to claim a dragon. When Alicent comforts Aemond and tells him that he too will have a dragon in time, Helaena thinks to herself, “He’s going to have to close one eye.” This is a clear prediction of Aemond losing his eye on Lucerys in Episode 7 of House of the Dragon. After asserting Vhagar, Aemond fights with Jacaerys, Lucerys, Baela and Rhaena. The fight eventually ends with Aemond threatening to kill Jace and Lucerys cutting out Aemond’s eye in retaliation. In the aftermath, Aemond even mentions that it’s fair trade considering he won a dragon and that too Vhagar.
She predicts the Dance of the Dragons between the greens and the blacks

Helaena Targaryen predicts the Targaryen Civil War
During episode 7 of House of the Dragon, we learn that Helaena and Aegon are about to get married. Helaena is playing with a spider. It is then that we hear him say: “The hand turns the loom; green spool, black spool; dragons of flesh, weaving dragons of thread. This is a clear reference and prediction of the Targaryen Civil War, aka the Dance of the Dragons, looming over the Red Keep. In fact, Hand Turns Loom could also be about Otto Hightower who is back as Hand of the King and further incite war. We have already seen him sitting on the Iron Throne in the Episode 8 preview. This will antagonize Rhaenyra and Daemon and most likely draw them to King’s Landing.
Another possible spoiler

Possible spoiler for Aegon II Targaryen
The last prediction is a bit far-fetched. Also, if true, it’s a major spoiler for what happens in the future. So if you haven’t read the books and don’t want to know what’s going on, then spoiler alert. When the Dragon Dance is in full swing, Aegon and Aemond lead a mission to kill Princess Rhaenys Targaryen and her dragon Meleys. However, in this battle at Rook’s Rest, Aemond was badly injured and terribly broke both legs. He was unable to walk and took a very long time to recover from this incident. Meanwhile, his brother Aemond wore the crown in his place.
Now, during the same scene where she predicted Aemond would lose his eyes, she said another line. While playing with the centipede, she said, “The last ring has no legs at all.” This could refer to the future where Aegon loses his legs. The only question is does Helaena herself realize that she is a dragon dreamer? And if she does, will she tell her siblings of their fate?