The relationship between Josh Primo and his girlfriend, Sophia Coppel, has been going strong for quite some time now.
They speak quite loudly about their connection and, unlike other athletes, the couple have made their romance public. They are very talkative about their relationship and do not hesitate to upload photos of them on social networks, especially on Instagram.
On the other hand, very little is known about her, and the beginning of their affinity is unknown. Coppel’s Instagram is full of photos of him as well as the occasional picture with his lover.
Joshua Primo, a Canadian shooting guard and former basketball player for the San Antonio Spurs, has been spotted several times with his lover Sophia on the streets, holding hands.
In addition to shooting baskets, he aimed his arrows directly at Sophia Coppel’s beating heart. These two have been seeing each other for a while now. Sophia is not his wife, as they are not yet married. Besides, they are both very young, and getting married is not on the table at the moment.
Regardless, he has shown some reluctance to divulge many private facts about their relationship and the likes and dislikes of his partner, Sophia. Following the recent exposure allegation about Josh Primo, Josh and Sophia have made their Instagram private.
One of two things: either she has a connection to it, or she’s trying to protect herself in advance from the inevitable onslaught of curious onlookers who will demand answers whether she has any or not.