Danger is rumored to be Deadpool 3’s bad guy

When we knew that Hugh Jackman would be part of the cast, Dead Pool 3 quickly moved to the top of everyone’s list of movies to see. The actor may have said his final goodbyes to the character of Logan, but now he has the opportunity to reunite Ryan Reynolds. Plus, it makes sense given how he breaks the fourth wall and Jackman’s continuous gags in his first two films.

Recent Deadpool 3 speculation has stated that Loki’s Mobius, played by Owen Wilson, will appear in the film. He could not only be involved in it, but he could also play “a huge role”.

But because of his involvement, the Time Variance Authority (VAT) enters the narrative, indicating that the projected sequel will be a multiversal story. The possibility for villains could be limitless in light of this.

female villain



Rumor has it that the film is looking for a “villain” in her 30s, 40s or 50s. According to reports, this female antagonist is a “lead” and “enemy of Deadpool and Wolverine.”

A “MALE LEAD” who is a “BIPOC” (Black Indigenous Persons of Color) and who would be a “lead man but not a suit” is also sought by production. They “want a capable performer with some comedic potential”. This character “will have sequences with Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman”.




The first teaser clip posted online featured a quick glimpse of Reynolds on a toilet seat. The fact that Danger, a famous X-Men villain, is featured in the comic he reads, caught the attention of fans.

Deadpool 3 Trailer

Deadpool 3 Trailer

She represented the training facility known as the “Danger Room” in physical form, which the mutants came to perceive as a serious threat. This is yet another hint that Danger will appear in the sequel.

Other female antagonists

Potential villains for Deadpool 3

Potential villains for Deadpool 3

Lady Deadpool could be another accurate guess. Considering it could be a multiverse adventure, its introduction could be a fantastic contrast for Wade Wilson and Logan.

Lady Deathstrike, who has razor-sharp fingertips, has also been suggested as an alternative. She is a former enemy of Wolverine who believes the hero is unworthy to use his adamantium weapons. Although this character was first introduced in X2, nothing would stop them from bringing her back to life.

A completely absurd theory involves a mature version of X-23, a character originally portrayed by Dafne Keen.

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