As per the report, the number of kids who have tried vaping cannabis has greater nearly increased in recent times, and smoking amongst regular cannabis consumers nearly tripled.
Scientists indicate that teens are following the vape movement into marijuana usage, including previous findings documenting a surge in pot vaping amongst American adolescents.
Just Seven Years, The Number Of Teenagers Vape Marijuana Has Doubled
As per a recent study of information from 17 different research, almost 1 in 8 Northern American youth vaped marijuana over the previous year and almost 1 in 10 in the last month.
There are many reasons for teens to move towards the consumption of such elements. Moments of depression and issues in education or relationship may drive them to go for such addiction, and over a period with regular consumption, they get addicted to such a level where they cannot move away from the same even if they want to leave. This keeps on happening with various teens, and hence the rate is increasing.
The number of teenagers who have attempted marijuana vape has risen from roughly 6 percent in 2013-2016 through almost 14 percent for 2019-2020. Over a similar period, the percentage of children who had vaped marijuana in the previous year grew from 7 percent to 13 percent.
According to addictions specialists, the same variables that made e-cigarettes so fashionable among teenagers are believed to have fueled the rise in marijuana vaping. From 2011 and 2018, the usage of vaping devices amongst middle & high school kids in the United States rose 13-fold, according to studies.
“The marijuana pen is just so much easier to access. You pop it in your backpack; you take it out, you keep puffing it during the day. Nobody smells it, and you don’t get that same level of intensity with the coughing,” Dr. Scott Krakower, a child and adolescent psychiatrist at Zucker Hillside Hospital in Glen Oaks, New York, and a substance misuse treatment expert.
According to Linda Richter, vice president of prevention studies and analytics for the Partnership to End Addiction, it’s also probable that the ongoing trend of marijuana legalization has led to increasing youth smoking weed.
“I can’t say I’m surprised by the meteoric rise in marijuana vaping among adolescents, given the substantial shift in public attitudes about marijuana’s safety, the increasing availability of unregulated vaping products, and the stealth nature of vaping versus smoking marijuana,” Richter said. “Adolescents, along with adults, have been lulled into a false sense of safety about marijuana.”
The issue is that cannabis vape fluid is significantly highly powerful than smoked marijuana, which has grown in strength with time, according to Richter &Krakower.
Instead of smoking a solitary cigarette in secret, youngsters can blow on a marijuana vape as often as they want, according to Krakower. Individuals are not just hit severely by the drug. However, they can also inhale tokes from the pen every morning.
“If a child is using marijuana regularly, parents shouldn’t brush it off as a harmless phrase, but should seek help and intervene before it turns into a marijuana use disorder or leads to other dangerous health and safety consequences,” Richter said.
Authorities & politicians, according to Lim & Richter, have to come in & further severely limit teenage accessibility to everyone marijuana goods.
“We are at a point in the marijuana legalization debate in this country where we can still prevent the worst of what commercializing an addictive substance can inflict on kids,” Richter said. “For those states that choose to legalize the drug for adult use, there are many provisions that can be written into the law and regulations to protect youth from being exposed to, accessing, and using the drug.”