US Teenagers Suffering From Mental Health Crisis At The Advent Of Covid

The COVID-19 disease has brought an unprecedented challenge to public health, food systems, education, and the world of work. The economic and social disruption caused by the pandemic is disastrous, leading to substantial loss of human life globally.

US Teenagers Suffering From Mental Health Crisis At The Advent Of Covid

In this epidemic situation, people are trying to overcome the challenges in their way. But somehow, it is a challenging situation for the children and the teenagers to cope with. The circumstances are very incompatible with their regular lives. This age group is trying very hard to deal with the environment.

US Teenagers Suffering From Mental Health Crisis At The Advent Of Covid

But, according to surveys, the mental health of US teens was already in crisis before this pandemic occurred. Before COVID-19, mental health challenges were the leading cause of disability and poor health. COVID has only worsened these challenges.

US teens were already coping with some mental health disorders:


These mental disorders mainly emerge at the time of adolescence and can stretch till the age of maturity if ignored at the early stage.

Adolescence is a period of transformation of human physical and psychological development from puberty to adulthood. This stage is very crucial and delicate. Children go through several changes in this phase like personality, social development, hormonal changes, and intellect. This is the period where differences occur between parents and children. The search for identity becomes the main objective of adolescence, and these children face a lot of mental challenges during this time.

Social Media is likely one of the key driving factors behind the rise of this mental crisis. At present, mostly all generations are addicted to social media and in this pandemic situation, it has increased. It affects the mental health of users directly. The young generation is prone to social platforms, be it on FACEBOOK, TWITTER, WHATSAPP, and many more.

Social media is a potent communication tool. Its effects can be both positive and negative on an individual’s life. Spending too much time on smartphones, tabs and laptops result in anxiety, depression, and feelings of isolation.

The teenagers create a FAKE WORLD with their virtual friends and isolate themselves from their REAL WORLD. Moreover, cyber-bullying and shaming are other common factors related to depression, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts.

Many surveys have revealed that social media is one of the major causes of disrupted and delayed sleep. The teenagers spend sleepless nights doing social activities. Hence depression and memory loss occur, resulting in mental disorders.

In the US, drugs and alcohol are prevalent among teenagers. They find solace in these things and try to run away from all the distress they face. This results in further complications in their mental health. 

Another common disorder in the US is eating disorder. It is a severe condition related to constant eating behavior impacting negatively on health, emotions, body image, and the ability to function in critical areas of love.

Before COVID 19, suicidal attempts and self-harm were already prevalent among teenagers in the US. In the US, practicing self-dependence from the age of 18 leads to isolation and loneliness from near and dear ones, which adversely affects mental health.

Well, there are ways to cope with the situation. But for this, family and relatives need to play a pivotal role. Both children and parents need to make special efforts to accept each other at this point of junction. Parents have to give complete attention to their children. They should listen to their children properly and speak to them. Humiliation should be avoided, and self-confidence should be boosted.

This pandemic has aggravated the situation more. The schools have been closed where the teenagers engaged themselves in extra-curricular activities. Hence it is the moral duty of the parents to uplift the mental health of their children during these days of the crisis.

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