In the opening seconds of the pilot episode of Game of Thrones, a patrol of the Night’s Watch discovered a troop of sinister icy demons or as you like to call them White Walkers who planted the idea that these White Walkers might be the inevitable villains of the series, and it happened. The final two seasons of GoT explore the standoff between these icy demons and the forces of men.
We know the White Walkers have been around for a long time, so it’s true that they may have existed in the same timeline as House of the Dragon. So now the real question is whether we will see White Walkers in House of Dragon. or not? Let’s find out.
Do White Walkers exist in the House of The Dragon timeline?
Certainly yes. According to the books, the White Walkers have been around for over 8000 years so they exist and venture far north while Viserys I continues to cut himself on the Iron Throne. They used the reanimated corpses of humans and animals in their service. Eventually, the last hero forged an allegiance between the children of the forest as well as the first recruits of the Night’s Watch, and both sides triumphed in the Struggle for Dawn.
We also heard King Viserys talk about White Walkers as he discusses the secret that should only be shared with the next in line.
“Aegon foresaw the end of the human world. It is, to begin with, a terrible winter blowing from the far North. Aegon saw absolute darkness roll over these winds and all that dwell within will destroy the world of the living.
He continues: “When that great winter comes, Rhaenyra, all of Westeros must stand against it. And if the world of men is to survive, a Targaryen must sit on the Iron Throne. A king or queen strong enough to unite the kingdom against cold and darkness.
Aegon hoped that his successors, the Targaryens, would unify the kingdom and prevent the rise of the White Walkers, so he encouraged their conquest of the Seven Kingdoms and made Westeros his capital. It turns out that Jon Snow as well as Daenerys Targaryen are their offspring, and they use Daenerys’ fearsome dragons to kill the White Walkers.
Will House of The Dragon feature a White Walker Angle?
It’s highly unlikely that the showrunners will move the show forward in this direction since the House of the Dragon is set to explore another big event dubbed Dance of The Dragon which completely shatters the Targaryen dynasty into Blacks and Greens and ends all Dragons.
So it would be foolish to explore the same event twice, given HBO’s reputation for never failing to surprise its fans, the fate of the White Walkers in House of The Dragons seems to be a Big NO NO!!