Nowadays, the most hypocritical species is the celebrity. Their PR teams work around the clock to put up a facade of responsibility and virtue to hide their decadence and hedonism. The stars belatedly acquired a new passion. Conference. So much so that it’s hard to scroll through their social media feeds without coming across unsolicited PSAs. Perhaps unbeknownst to them, their expensive and carefully crafted facade has faded to reveal their true selves.
Take climate change for example. We often hear celebrities pontificating about the impending global catastrophe and what people must do individually and collectively to deal with it. However, their own behavior goes against their message. Jet-set celebrities are responsible for an insane amount of carbon emissions.
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Celebrities and their gas-guzzling private planes
There have been many reports and articles about the jet set lifestyle of celebrities. Their rampant use of private aircraft is well known. Private jets cause far more environmental damage than regular airline jets. Yet we’ve heard these celebrities lecture on climate change and the need to reduce our respective carbon footprints. Of course, going green is easy when you have plenty of green in your bank. Financial abundance offers the luxury of choice that most people unfortunately do not have.
Despite their big wallets, these celebrities often chose more environmentally taxing options. Whether it’s private planes or ridiculous consumption levels. We often hear news of stars jumping into their private jets to cover small distances. This practice is very carbon intensive.
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It’s nothing but the hypocrisy of the plane by the stars
The nuisance of their lectures is bearable, after all, we tolerate their music and films. However, what these stars need to understand and appreciate is that their carbon-intensive lifestyle puts all of humanity at risk. Despite the difficulties, many civic-minded people around the world are trying to reduce, reuse and recycle. Much of this is offset by the wasteful and harmful lifestyles of these celebrities. Only if they followed their own message and lived responsibly would people take their message more seriously. Climate change is a danger to all of humanity and therefore, all of humanity must come together to tackle it, including celebrities.
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