Athéna is a French drama film directed by Romain Gavras and produced by Netflix. The story recounts the events that led to the outbreak of violence in a Paris suburb following the untimely death of a 13-year-old child. Amid growing community outrage and demands for justice for the small child, his three older brothers are forced to face their own challenges as they search for the boy’s killer. The brothers, who disagree on many philosophical issues, each come to their own conclusions, which ultimately lead to terrible and unfavorable results. Here’s everything you need to know about what happened to the boys and who the killers were on the show “Athena,” in case you’re curious about any of those things. SPOILERS AHEAD!
Plot Synopsis of Athena
The first events of “Athena” take place following the death of Idir, a Muslim child from a suburb of Paris. The neighborhood reacts violently to the news of his death, and the already tense situation quickly escalates to a more dangerous level. Abdel, Idir’s older brother, is a decorated soldier who served in the armed forces. He uses diplomatic means to settle the matter and instructs the authorities to investigate the circumstances surrounding his brother’s death. However, there are reasons to believe that police officers were involved in the murder of Idir, which is the main source of hatred within the community.
Karim, Idir’s other brother, leads a group of rebels during the protests and steals firearms from the police using Molotov cocktails. Meanwhile, protests are taking place. The insurgents took refuge in the domain of Athena, armed themselves and showed an extreme reaction to the passage of Idir. Karim goes to his older brother, Mokhtar, who works as a drug dealer in the area, for help. Mokhtar, meanwhile, is exclusively concerned with his drug operations and refuses to take a position on anything. In another location, Abdel is tasked with directing the evacuation of civilians from a nearby town hall. Abdel’s mother does not know where her son Karim is now, so she asked Abdel to watch over him.
Idir was killed after police used batons and beat him while he was on the ground, according to a television report. The police investigation raises the likelihood that those who detained and abused Idir were not in fact officers of the force. They are, in fact, participants in a small far-right organization that is at the epicenter of the anarchy that has taken place within the municipal city of Athena. In the meantime, Karim and his comrades hold a policeman named Jérôme hostage. The rebels want the police officers responsible for Idir’s death in exchange for Jérôme. Abdel offers to negotiate with Karim, but the cops tell him to back off and stop negotiating. On top of that, they threatened to arrest Abdel if she didn’t comply with the instructions given by the police.
Despite this, Abdel goes to Athena’s domain in hopes of talking with Karim and finding a peaceful solution to the problem. Abdel and Karim are finally involved in an altercation, and Abdel takes advantage of the situation to flee with Jérôme. Mokhtar is the one Abdel turns to for help now that the police and rebels are looking for him. Abdel is given accommodation by Mokhtar, much to Mokhtar’s chagrin. Mokhtar reveals to Abdel that he is Abdel’s half-brother during the process. In an effort to clear his record, Abdel contacts the authorities and offers to hand over Jérôme. On the other hand, Karim and his rebels arrive on the scene before the police, resulting in a bloody fight. Abdel sides with the rebels and fights for justice for Idir’s death following the dramatic turn of events that took place.
Athena Ending: Why did Abdel join the rebels? Is Abdel dead?
During the transfer with the police, Karim and his squad of rebels try to take Jérôme into their possession. Kaim will not consent to Abdel accompanying Jérôme to the police station. The group led by Karim launches a vicious assault and they threaten to completely destroy the establishment using their Molotov cocktails. They persist in their efforts to free Jérôme despite the fact that the police refused to accede to the demands of Karim and his friends. As a result, Karim uses an explosive Molotov cocktail. However, Karim is shot by the police before he can shoot them with the device, and the bomb goes off on him.
As a result of the explosion, Karim loses his life, which has a significant effect on Abdel. The older brother is devastated by the death of another brother and as a result his sense of right and wrong begins to change. The traumatic experience of Idir’s death has an effect on Abdel, and Karim’s death allows him to recognize the evil that exists within law enforcement. As a direct result of this, Abdel comes to the conclusion that he must take up arms in order to get revenge for the murders of his brothers Idir and Karim. As a result, Abdel makes the decision to side with the insurgents and succeeds Karim as leader of the group. The community’s distrust of law enforcement is exemplified by Abdel’s change of allegiance, a sign that anarchy is spreading throughout Athena’s domain. Additionally, it illustrates how the community perceives police enforcement.
After Abdel took the lead of the insurgents, he maintained his refusal to hand over Jérôme. Before letting Jérôme go free, he asks the authorities to hand over Idir’s murderers. During the negotiation with the police, Abdel discovers that the individuals responsible for the murder are not officers but rather members of an extreme right organization. Abdel, on the other hand, does not trust them and warns Jerome that he would kill him if his demands were not met. Sebastian, a member of the insurgent group, prepares to detonate a bomb in the building where Abdel and the other insurgents are hiding with Jerome.
As soon as the cops arrive, Abdel understands that his plan will never succeed. As a direct result of this, Abdel allows Jerome to leave and stays in the structure until it explodes. Abdel fails to obtain justice for his siblings despite having lost his moral sense. Following the failure of his plan, Abdel makes the decision to end his life alongside his brothers, which results in a terrible resolution of the conflicts within the family. Abdel’s murder is a symbol of the failure of judicial authorities and draws attention to the disparities that exist in public order. In the end, socio-political problems force Abdel, a decorated military officer, to be drawn into the chaos and disorder they generate.
How did Idir die? Who killed him ?
The circumstances surrounding Idir’s death are never fully explained during the narrative. The people of Athena’s domain react violently to her passing due to the tension he has caused between them. The film’s conclusion provides conclusive evidence as to how Idir met his end. A number of law enforcement officials can be seen punching and kicking Idir in this scene. The little boy was severely beaten by the authorities, then they left him to his death. After a while, we see the group take off their police uniforms and then burn them. The scene gives the impression that the individuals were not in fact police officers, which is consistent with what the police department had believed.
Additionally, when the men leave the scene, a visible tattoo on their necks provides further evidence that they are members of the far-right gang believed to be responsible for Idir’s death. As a result, the film’s finale demonstrates that Idir’s murder was the direct result of a hate crime committed against the community. The film does not go into detail about the struggle taking place within the local community; the anarchic situation of Athena Estate is rather evocative of the current socio-political disagreements taking place all over the world, particularly in France regarding the Muslim community.
The film’s conclusion makes it clear that the hatred that was stirred up within the nation as a direct result of political issues was the cause of Idir’s death. On the other hand, Idir’s passing is just the spark that sends the community as a whole down in violent explosions. The level of tension is already high, and it is possible that it will become even higher because of an extreme right-wing group that is spreading hatred and manipulating events in order to create disharmony among the population. Accordingly, the film offers social commentary on the current state of policing and the tensions that have arisen as a direct result of interactions between law enforcement and citizens across the country. Additionally, as the source of the high voltage in Athena’s domain is not specifically addressed in the film, the result is a depiction of the most unsettling and terrifying path humanity is capable of taking in the world. lack of trust.