The first episode of Bleach: The Thousand-Year Blood War is titled “The Blood Warfare,” and it begins with hollows all over Japan beginning to be destroyed at an incomprehensible rate, leaving Soul Society perplexed. In Ichigo’s hometown of Karakura, he faces a formidable enemy, and at the same time, a group of masked men visit Shigekuni Yamamoto’s office, Genryuusai, to deliver a threatening message to him. The following provides detailed information on the conclusion of the first episode of “Bleach: The Thousand-Year Blood War”.
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Episode 1 Recap
People monitoring the movement of hollows at Soul Society’s research and development department have seen a significant increase in the rate at which hollows are destroyed. This points to the potentially disastrous possibility that the lines separating the world of the living and soul society will begin to merge within days. Officers Ryunosuke and Shino of Squad 13 have been assigned to monitor the situation in Karakura Town, but they are unaware of this development.
The former seems tormented by the thought that he might have to fight Hollows there, but the latter is confident and fearless in his approach to the situation. Unfortunately, his worst worries came true very quickly, and to make matters worse, Shino was easily knocked out by one of the opponents. Ryunosuke is also unable to defend himself and is about to be killed until Ichigo, Orihime, Sado, and Ishida not only easily defeat the hollows, but also help the two recover from their injuries. Ryunosuke’s life is saved at this point.
Later, Ryunosuke and Shino wake up in Ichigo’s room. however, just as they are about to begin discussing the incident that brought them together, a man unexpectedly enters the room through the window. Ichigo is quick to respond, and he sends her outside the dojo. Despite initially believing the other person to be an Arrancar, he quickly discovers he is up against a Quincy by the name of Asguiaro Ebern.
Meanwhile, Squad 11 investigates Rukon District and finds that its residents have disappeared without a trace. In Karakura Town, Ebern maintains his mockery of Ichigo by demanding that the latter produce his Bankai and wield it against him. Ichigo ultimately leaves the substitute Soul Reaper speechless with his amazing skills, despite the fact that the original Soul Reaper is confident he can defeat him. Unfortunately, as he was about to interrogate him, Ebern was able to get away.
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Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Episode 1 Ending: What is the Wandenreich?
As the strange happenings unfold all over Japan, Shigekuni Yamamoto-Genryuusai, the First Division Captain of Soul Society’s Main Military Branch, sits in his office unaware of most of the happenings. Suddenly, six masked people appear where he is, and they are said to have killed one of his men when he was preoccupied with his own thoughts. They claim they are from the Wandenreich and declare war on Soul Society, stating that the latter would be wiped out in the next few days. Despite the fact that the Masked Men don’t provide much of an explanation, Wandenreich is actually a secret empire owned by the Quincys that aims to destroy the Spirit Realm.
After suffering defeat at the hands of the Shinigami around a thousand years ago, the Quincy were forced to leave the human realm and start a new life elsewhere. They eventually found their way to Seireitei, which they saw as a place that provided a safer environment for them to reorganize. Using the abundant Reishi, they established their secret empire (Wandenreich) and waited to amass enough power to take over the world while simultaneously wiping out Soul Society. The whole time they did this, they were able to go undetected. The Quincy’s have waited for generations to achieve their warped ambitions, and the declaration of war is the first step towards realizing those goals.
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Who leads six masked members of the Wandenreich to confront Shigekuni Yamamoto and declare war on Soul Society?
When the six strangers entered Shigekuni Yamamoto-Genryuusai’s workplace, they were led by a man who took over the conversation and spoke on behalf of the entire group. Not only did he mock the captain’s relaxed attitude towards safety procedures, but he also warned Yamamoto that Soul Society would not survive for more than five days. The masked leader continued talking to Yamamoto as he was in the process of assassinating one of Yamamoto’s men right in front of him. He then told Yamamoto that the people who make up Soul Society would meet the same end.
Although he doesn’t make any sort of introduction to the captain, it is eventually discovered that he is actually an Arrancar by the name of Luders Friegen. Despite holding the Wandenreich Emperor in high regard, he treats his fellow countrymen condescendingly and gives the impression that he considers himself above them. Unfortunately, the consequences of his state of mind became apparent to him rather quickly.
Who is the mysterious man who cut off Luders Friegen’s hand? Is he the emperor of Wandenreich?
Asguiaro Ebern reunites with the other members of the Wandenreich after breaking free from Ichigo’s grasp and being able to flee. When Luders Friegen, along with other masked men, also arrives there, he sees Ebern bowing and he praises the act as commendable. Ebern, meanwhile, is keen to point out that he would never bow down to someone like him. Luders’ right arm is severed and he falls to the ground before he can fully realize what is happening.
Turns out Asguiaro Ebern is bowing to an angry guy sitting on a throne. This man tells Luders that he despises war and asks for his report on recent developments. It turns out that the mysterious man is none other than Yhwach, who is affectionately known by his subordinates as the Father du Quincy. Although the episode ends there and doesn’t offer many details about his identity, it turns out that the strange man is Yhwach. He is the current Emperor of the Wandenreich as well as the son of the Soul King. He held both titles simultaneously.
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