Who are the twins – Ser Arryk Cargyll and Ser Erryk Cargyll?

George RR Martin’s fire and blood tells the story of two twin brothers – Ser Erryk Cargyll and Ser Arryk Cargyll. The two started out as members of Kingsguard but ended up siding on opposite sides during Targaryen’s Dance of the Dragons. One of them, Ser Erryk recently appeared in the latest episode of HBO’s House of the Dragon. However, the fate of the brothers is nothing but a tragedy. So who are they? What were their roles during the Targaryen Civil War? Let’s see.

Cargyll House

House Cargyll Sigil

One of the noble houses of the lands of the crown, House Cargyll is sworn to House Targaryen. Their Sigil is a golden goose on a sinister black and red striped background. Although not much is said about this house in the books as it had been extinct long before the events of Game Of Thrones (GOT) began. Probably the most notable knights belonging to this house are the twin brothers – Ser Arryck Cargyll and Ser Erryck Cargyll.

Ser Erryk: Your Grace…a matter has arisen that requires your attention.

Alicent: Anyway, Ser Arryk, we’ll have to wait.

Ser Erryk: I am Erryk, Your Grace. Sure. My apologies, ser. This is the Prince. There was a delicate situation in his apartments.

– HOTD (S1, E8)

Arryk Cargyll

Ser Arryk Cargyll

A knight of House Cargyll, Ser Arryk served as a member of the Kingsguard during the reign of King Viserys I. In HBO’s adaptation of George RR Martin’s book fire and blood, appointed House of Dragons (HOTD)the two brothers are represented by Luc Titenseur. During the tournament for the accession of King Viserys I, Ser Arryk and his twin brother were unhorsed by Ser Criston Cole.

According to the book, it was Arryk who found Prince Daemon and Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen in bed together, a few months after the tournament to celebrate King Viserys and Queen Alicent’s fifth birthday. However, Mushroom (the foolish muppet) claimed that Daemon was merely instructing Rhaenyra in “ways to please men”. However, after the death of King Viserys I, Arryk chose to fight alongside the next king – Aegon II Targaryen, i.e. the “Greens”.

Erryk Cargyll

Ser Erryk Cargyll offering the stolen crown of Viserys to Rhaenyra

Another Knight of House Cargyll, Erryk was also a member of King Viserys I’s Kingsguard. It is said that the two brothers were so identical that even their fellow Kingsguard Knights could not tell them apart.

Once King Viserys I died, unlike his brother Arryk, Erryk sided with the “Blacks” and fought for Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen. He joined the Queensguard of Rhaenyra along with Ser Steffon Darklyn and Ser Lorent Marbrand. It was he who stole King Viserys’ crown and gave it to Rhaenyra Targaryen in Dragonstone.

brother against brother

The Cargyll twin brothers fight against each other

During the Dance of the Dragons, the Targaryen Civil War between the “Greens” and the “Blacks”, the twin Cargyll brothers fought on opposite sides. Although the war has yet to begin in HBO’s ongoing series, the book it’s based on (fire and blood) talks about it at length. Mushroom claims they called each other traitors.

According to her, Ser Criston (of the Greens) ordered Ser Arryk to infiltrate Dragonstone by disguising himself as his twin brother. He would have asked her to assassinate Rhaenyra and her children. However, to Arryk’s surprise, he came face to face with Erryk – his twin brother. They met in one of the corridors of the castle, and a furious sword fight between the brothers ensued. But, the brothers were equal in power as they were in appearance. Arryk and Erryk fought to the death.

According to the songs that were later sung across the realms about them, the brothers professed their love for each other and died in each other’s arms after fighting for an hour. Arryk and Erryk Cargyll are believed to be inspired by two brothers from King Arthur legend, Balin and Balan.

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