US Is Working With Vaccine Makers For The Booster Dose Of Coronavirus – States CDC

According to the latest updates and statements from Food and Drugs Administration USA, the country is working with the vaccine makes Pfizer Inc. and Moderna Inc for the booster vaccine. The booster dose of Coronavirus Vaccine will be given to only certain vulnerable and people with high mobility issues. The third booster shot of COVID-19 will improve the immune response in these individuals said the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday.

US Is Working With Vaccine Makers For The Booster Dose Of Coronavirus – States CDC

While addressing the white house press briefing the CDC Director Rochelle Walensky stated that the third shot of vaccine will be available for the people who have moderate or compromised immunity due to some other treatments. The people who have undergone various surgeries, organ transplants, or cancer patients would be eligible for the booster dose of the vaccine. The estimation of this group is not more than 3% of the total adult population. 

US Is Working With Vaccine Makers For The Booster Dose Of Coronavirus – States CDC

In the press meet Rochelle said, “This action is about ensuring our most vulnerable, who may need an additional dose to enhance their biological responses to the vaccines are better protected against COVID-19.”

She also stated that there is no official confirmation or announcement on the same yet. They are waiting for the exact orders. The advisory committee on Immunizations Practices at CDC is planning to host a meeting on Friday to analyze the recommendation and make a final decision on the same.

However, the top US infectious disease expert Dr. Fauci and officials shared his views and concerns about the booster doe. He stated that according to him the adults and others who aren’t immunocompromised need an additional dose of vaccine. He also emphasized the fact that the government is analyzing this matter on the daily basis. The motive is to evaluate the necessity of booster shots of vaccines for the citizens. He quoted, “It’s a true statement that we believe sooner or later you will need a booster for the durability of protection,” 

The number of covid cases, hospitalization, and death rate across the USA have surged in the past month. The new numbers have surpassed all the previous records and have made it necessary for Biden Administration to take some vital steps. Some regions of the country such as Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas have run out of beds. The outbreak is spreading alarmingly beyond the epicenter in the US south to Washington and Oregon. 

The administration is requesting unvaccinated citizens to get their vaccination dose at the earliest. The contagious Delta variant of Covid-19 is infecting unvaccinated citizens and hence, one of the ways to control the outbreak is by getting more and more people vaccinated. 

Meanwhile, the US is still deliberating and thinking about the booster shot of the covid vaccine. Some countries such as Israel and Germany have plans to administer the third shot of coronavirus vaccine for vulnerable citizens. The introduction of a booster shot will help to slow or reduce the spread of the contagious Delta variant of Covid-19.

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