The following states and U.S. territories have adopted mask-wearing regulations as a preventative measure to help limit the spread of the coronavirus: On July 27, the CDC changed its face-covering recommendation, recommending vaccinated people in regions with a significant or high transmission risk to wear masks in indoor public settings once again.
There Are Covid-19 Mask Requirements In Force In These Jurisdictions
This comes after a May 13 statement that vaccinated people may “continue activities without wearing a mask or physically separating” themselves from flu sufferers.

Although the suggestions recognize that state and local governments have the ultimate word when it comes to masking requirements, the proposals also note that such mandates vary from one region of the nation to the next. Face coverings are still required by law in certain states and territories in the United States as a preventative precaution during the coronavirus epidemic. Along with public health professionals, several governors, even those who have altered their previous views on masks in response to an increase in COVID-19 cases in their states – highly recommend wearing face masks, regardless of whether or not their laws require it.
Following Gov. Laura Kelly’s July 2020 mask requirement, CDC researchers in Kansas discovered that the 24 counties with obligatory mask mandates showed an overall reduction in COVID-19 cases, while the 81 counties that opted not to participate in the mask mandate reported an increase in COVID-19 instances. COVID-19 death rates were twice as high in Tennessee counties without mask requirements as they were in Tennessee counties with mask mandates, according to research published in October by the Vanderbilt University Department of Health Policy. Gov. Bill Lee has deferred to local governments on whether or not a mask mandate should be implemented throughout the state.
The specifics vary depending on whether or not a mask decree has been issued in a particular region. Some jurisdictions merely mandate that a person wear a facial covering whenever he or she leaves their home, while others give specific guidelines on when and when masks must be worn. Children under the age of two should not wear masks in all states with requirements, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and additional guidance from states, although other age limits vary.
Gov. Kay Ivey established a statewide mask mandate that will take effect on July 16, 2020, and which requires that masks be worn in the state when within 6 feet of a member of another household in public indoor spaces, while using public transportation services, or in outdoor public spaces with gatherings of 10 or more people, among other things. Gov. Ivey allowed the requirement to expire on April 9, but she urged people to continue wearing masks after the law expired.
The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services recommends the use of face masks where social distance is difficult, but there is no formal state requirement in place to promote this practice. Beginning on February 2, Governor Lemanu P. S. Mauga implemented a mask mandate throughout the region, requiring people to wear facial coverings when in any public facility or while traveling by public transit.
According to the World Health Organization, the territory’s collection of islands in the Pacific Ocean has seen zero instances of COVID-19, and a code system ranging from blue to red has been implemented in the territory, with masks required when the code is yellow or red, respectively. At the moment, the area is under code blue, which is the least restricted.
On November 19, 2020, the Arizona Department of Health Services issued an order requiring all schools across the state to compel students to wear masks on school campuses, school buses, and at any school-related events starting in the next year. Outside of Arizona’s public schools, certain companies also had mask requirements in place, as did some towns and counties.