The Delta-Driven Surge Has Entered A Deadlier Phase In The United States

Although the FDA granted final clearance to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on Monday, America’s delta-driven COVID-19 outbreak has reached a more lethal phase. Cases are increasing in 42 states, which is the lowest number in six weeks and the most in six years.

The Delta-driven Surge Has Entered A Deadlier Phase In The United States

However, according to a USA TODAY review of Johns Hopkins University statistics, fatalities are now rising in 43 states, representing the worst total since December, just before America’s worst month of the epidemic.

The Delta-driven Surge Has Entered A Deadlier Phase In The United States

The overall number of fatalities in the United States for the week ending Monday was 7,225. In contrast, about 5,400 Americans died in the assaults on Pearl Harbor and the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

The appearance of those who are dying is also changing rapidly. According to a study of National Centers for Health Statistics data, white non-Hispanic individuals are becoming more overrepresented among those who die. Even while most other racial and ethnic groups are now seeing a decline in their mortality rates, white non-Hispanics, who account for about 61.1 percent of all fatalities throughout the epidemic, accounted for 68.8 percent of the deaths recorded so far July and August. Meanwhile, the proportion of fatalities among young people is increasing as well: According to preliminary data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, individuals in their 30s and those between the ages of 18 and 29 have almost quadrupled their proportion of fatalities in July and August.

People in their 50s and early 60s have made up less than 1 of every 6 casualties of the epidemic so far, but in July and August, they make up more than 1 of every 4 in the country. There is mounting evidence that COVID-19 vaccination booster doses are necessary and that they should be administered as soon as possible. According to a report published Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, vaccination protection may deteriorate over time as the highly infectious delta form spreads throughout the country. The vaccine’s efficacy against infection dropped from 91 percent to 66 percent when the delta strain became prevalent in the United States.

According to a second Centers for Disease Control and Prevention research, one-quarter of COVID-19 infections from May to July in Los Angeles had breakthrough cases. However, hospitalizations were substantially fewer among individuals who had received the vaccine. Unvaccinated individuals were more than 29 times more likely to be hospitalized than those who had had vaccinations, and they were also about five times more likely to get sick. Meanwhile, Dr. Anthony Fauci urged for greater use of another intervention that may be used both as a therapeutic and a preventative measure against COVID-19, despite the ongoing campaign for Americans to be vaccinated against the virus on Tuesday.

According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, who serves as President Joe Biden’s top medical advisor, monoclonal antibodies have been “much underused” even though they may decrease the risk of hospitalization or mortality from COVID-19 by 70 to 85 percent. He stressed that the degree of efficacy is dependent on the timing of therapy after infection. Monoclonal antibodies may also be used to prevent infection among individuals who have been exposed to the virus, according to Fauci, who also said that current research is looking at the efficacy of monoclonal antibodies before exposure to the virus. There are three types of coronavirus vaccine available under FDA emergency use permission, and they all operate by targeting the spike protein found in the virus.

When President Donald Trump became infected with the virus in October 2020, he was treated with monoclonal antibodies. More recently, Texas Governor Greg Abbott was treated with the treatment after developing a breakthrough illness. 

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