New Study Finds Valley Fever Became Common In Utah 

According to the new study, researchers reveal that valley fever has become quite common in the people of Utah as it is recognized as a fungal disease. This study revealed many numbers cases regarding valley fever which had been slowly increased from the past findings.

This disease affects the people over large areas geographically which were already recognized previously.

New Study Finds Valley Fever Became Common In Utah 

Researchers say that “this study is very large to predict the comprehensive assessment of the valley fever mainly in Utah over 50 years”.

New Study Finds Valley Fever Became Common In Utah 

Based on some collaborative projects, researchers say that valley fever was found in the year 1957, across many years this disease is not tracked closely.  However, its sudden spike in the area has raised some questions answers for which are still sought by experts.

The health department of Utah (UDOH) has stated that clinical characteristics of valley fever are followed by the geographic distribution and their rates. However, only some people are being a victim of the same is still a concern to be explored with the help of new research and experts in the field.

Adrienne Carey is the lead researcher and author of this study, he says that “due to climatic changes, the temperature is being increased”, if the temperatures are increased it also increases the drier conditions so that map gets change.

Based on a past publicized outbreak in the year 2001, data has lacked about valley fever which is a common cause in Utah.

Carey had led the study with his collaborations, he says that “this study was very important regarding many unknown reasons” it highlights Utah with an indeed area of coccidioides that affect the patients with valley fever.

Researchers say that “this study also identifies the areas within the state with doctors and epidemiologists for paying the close attention to new cases regarding climate changes and population growth”.

On this note, being a new development, this study continues the impact on the environment and the fungal spores which are hiding.

One of the researchers says that valley fever is mainly caused by “coccidiosis” which is commonly known as the fungus that affects the lungs by infection. This fungus lives inside the soil and then becomes airborne when dust gets disturbed.

On this note, this disease is not considered a transmission infection and is not contagious.

The researcher team had identified 364 new cases regarding valley fever which is occurred between 2009 the 2015 year. This study is in the proven criteria and has a correlation with those cases on different environmental factors, population density, construction activity, demographic factors, and average temperatures.

The term demographic factors are listed as race, occupation, medical issues, and age. They can increase the vulnerability of infections.

According to the previous reports, higher incidences were found about the disease. Utah is one of the fastest developing cities in the United States, on cases of rapid construction growth it had increased the risk in the lungs of people when they contacted with infection.

According to a survey, researchers had studied every two cases among 100,000 people every year. Most people with valley fever will not get sick where symptoms occur such as:

  • Chills
  • Shortness of breath
  • Cough
  • Fever

On this note, valley fever is very difficult to distinguish from other common diseases.

Carey stated that “delaying the treatment for valley fever is very common” because it could cause some identical symptoms towards bacterial pneumonia. Antibiotics can target specifically but can’t stop fungal infections.

Researchers suggest maintaining masks to protect themselves from fungal spores that might be inhaled by us during some windy conditions.

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