Curriculum Of Sex-Ed Reveals Pregnancy Preventive Measures Among American Teens

According to this study, the sex-ed curriculum had conducted an education program to deliver the basketball camp for at least two weeks to impact the significant critical factors among the American teens associated with the preventive measures for pregnancy.

Researchers from many universities are interested in this new study to analyze the findings and show the program to provide teens effective skills for avoiding S.T.I.s (sexually transmitted infections) and pregnancy.

Curriculum Of Sex-Ed Reveals Pregnancy Preventive Measures Among American Teens

Experts believe that girls could know their physical structure better and keep health hazards away, whether it is due to hygiene or contraction with males. This has directly impacted their pregnancy rate also.

Curriculum Of Sex-Ed Reveals Pregnancy Preventive Measures Among American Teens

According to the U.S. rates, the recent declines had reported teen pregnancy at higher rates than the developed nations, as only 19 births are happening for 1000 girls.

C.D.C. (centers for disease control and prevention) reports that rates of Native American teens are having twice reports with 33 births over 1000 girls, and based on these reports, the U.S. is declared the highest teen birth rate.

Lauren Tingey is the lead researcher and author of this study; he says that “native teens of America are required to participate in a program which is specially designed for them to prove their work towards making of the result of this study.”

On this note, the author feels excited; the study says that teen births have numerous consequences among society and young parents.

For instance, some of the babies might bear for the teen mothers who are having likely effects towards premature birth with low birth weight and longer-term health problems.

On another note, most teen mothers live in poverty, especially with a lot of dropouts at high school, where this directs the children to become teen parents themselves.

According to the survey, most teens are receiving school-based Sexual Health Education, which aims to show the preventive measures for teen pregnancy and other sexually transmitted infections.

Researchers say that most schools do not have the necessity to conduct education programs regarding pregnancy prevention. Still, some specific schools are in need of educating themselves regarding teen pregnancy and its effects.

According to this study, for increasing the retention of participants, researchers had delivered the context of 8 lessons during the free periods of 2-week basketball camp in the years 2016, 2017, and 2018. 

On this note, 8 weeks is specified with the original program where a control group of participants is in similar camps whoever received the topics of eight lessons which is unrelated to the sexual health like fitness, nature, sexual health, outdoor recreation, and nutrition. 

According to this camp analysis, 534 teens participated, and results had shown after completing the nine lessons for nine months and who even received the curriculum significance of their circle of life.

On this note, it represents intention, negotiation skills, higher condom usage for self-efficacy, and other contraceptive uses for self-efficacy. Certain intentions for abstaining from the sex are compared with the separate curriculum that is educated with non-sexual topics.

Tingey says that the education skills regarding respect for the circle life program are the most effective measure on the S.T.I. rates and teen pregnancy rates. 

According to the findings, the study shows the promised favor in giving the knowledge for the native teen of America who is required to accomplish this goal.

On a final note, this program is concluded with real potential over native youth for taking control over the reproductive health and sexual measures among teens. “This program is used over several states for applying the success everywhere,” said Tingey.

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