A Unique Medical Method To Treat Watery Eyes Has Been Devised

Tear in the eye is normally emptied into the ciliary body via little apertures at the inside corners of the eyeball termed the top and bottom puncta. Tears travel thru the upper and lower canaliculi, the conjunctival sac, as well as the nasolacrimal artery before entering the nostril.

For those who suffer from watery eyes, it becomes difficult to continue with normal daily activities also.

A Unique Medical Method To Treat Watery Eyes Has Been Devised

The eyes keep on watering that makes one keep on wiping the same, and hence one cannot focus on the activity, whether it is reading, watching a program, or even driving.

This is a serious medical condition, as per experts in the field of ophthalmologists. However, there are new options found by the team of experts that can help the patients get rid of this painful condition.

A Unique Medical Method To Treat Watery Eyes Has Been Devised

This novel option is, though, under trial, it is considered as a useful therapy.

The greatest major reason for teary eyes or epiphora is an obstruction in any region of the above channel. Individuals’ quality of living (QOL) is affected by epiphora. The result occurs if both top and bottom canaliculi become clogged, preventing tear fluid from draining into the nostrils.

In most instances, the reason for canalicular blockage is unknown; however, it is suspected to be linked to aging, injury, tumors, and mouth cancer medicine.

The most frequent procedure for removing clogs is a small operation to widen the canaliculus by introducing silicone tubing. Whenever the canaliculus reoccludes or cannot be held open, a Jones conduit, which is a semi-permanent silicon tube that links the nasal passages with medical canthus, is explored. Alternatively, a procedure with an exterior cut that produces a 2 cm scar on the front of the nostril can be performed.

A group of otolaryngologists & ophthalmologists at Toho Sakura Medical Center devised the ‘conjunctivoductivo-dacryocystorhinostomy’ operation to solve the drawbacks of traditional surgery approaches.

Local anesthesia is used for all medical operations. The whole conjunctival duct & lacrimal sac were revealed and raised initially, and then the upper end of the lacrimal conduit was severed. The cornea is incised at the medial limbus.

The severed end of the conjunctival duct is sutured out of the conjunctival incision to generate a fresh lacrimal punctum. The lacrimal sac’s lateral border is then expanded widely. The tears fluid then travels through the new lacrimal route, which replaces the old conjunctival duct with the lacrimal sac.

The ‘conjunctivoductivo-dacryocystorhinostomy’ operation, which was recently designed to treat persistent dilatation obstruction, doesn’t cause any facial scars or introduce extraneous substances into the body. Dr. Munetaka Ushio, the study’s lead author, stated, “We feel that this technique can assist enhance the QOL of patients with epiphora.” On October 1, 2021, the report was published in The Laryngoscope.

4 of the five people had conjunctivochalasis, which most likely indicates elastin failure. Conjunctivochalasis is a surplus of the bulbar cornea on the lower lid border, which could project forward onto the horizontal lid edge or even farther. 11 Plerolacrima is the result of it alone. Because of its intensity, we decided to remove it surgically in 2 patients.

Finally, our case series reveals a condition of developed lacrimal drainage blockage induced by punctual apposition that was effectively addressed with an LCT surgery. Nevertheless, FNLDO and conjunctivochalasis seemed to have a role, which might also necessitate therapy in certain cases.

Many individuals who have epiphora can be helped with the right diagnostic and therapy. Some few individuals are stuck with tears for no apparent reason, and this is referred to as “functional epiphora.” Individuals with active epiphora had various therapies, including endoscopy, dacryocystorhinostomy, and even botulinum toxin injections into the ciliary body.

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