New research indicates that women who lose a child, whether they do so through a miscarriage or during a brief period of the child’s life, suffer from depression nearly twice as often as those who have not lost a child.
According to the study, those who have lost a child before, during, or soon after birth are almost three times more likely to experience anxiety than those who have never experienced this loss.
Depression And Anxiety Are Doubled After A Baby Loss
Researchers at the University of Edinburgh analyzed 29 studies from 17 different countries, which included over one million women’s responses.
Women and their families suffer traumatic losses when they lose a pregnancy early. The period of grief after a miscarriage is typically intense. Over the next several months, the psychological reaction improves, but some concerns remain. In patients who have experienced a miscarriage, depression and anxiety should be screened.
In this situation, mood disturbances may still exist despite most women becoming pregnant again. Women who are experiencing difficulties conceiving may worry even more. Post-miscarriage intervention is highly desired by many women and physicians, and providing appropriate treatment is of the utmost importance.
Following a loss of pregnancy, depression and anxiety symptoms can be managed to benefit the patient’s future wellbeing. There is a high likelihood that women will experience mood disturbances after the birth of a child. Postpartum blues are typically mild in nature. Postpartum depression, however, is a more severe and debilitating illness that affects about 10-15% of women.
The presence of hormonal changes in women who suffer from postpartum depression may contribute to depression emergence during this time. There is some evidence that suggests women with postpartum depression may be more vulnerable to hormonal changes postpartum.
Several women may experience similar hormonal shifts after a miscarriage, although they may not be as severe. Depression is still not known to be directly precipitated by hormonal changes.
In reality, however, approximately 1 in 10 miscarriage victims suffer from major depression, and most women report having some form of psychological distress after their miscarriages.
You are at risk for depression after miscarriage if you have a history of depression, have inadequate social support, or are childless. A depressed individual is sad or down, loses interest in activities they usually enjoy, and feels hopeless. These symptoms require further evaluation if they appear after a miscarriage.
In this study, researchers reviewed studies published between January 1995 and March 2020 that investigated the effects of perinatal loss on common mental health outcomes, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
In addition to examining the type of loss, pregnancy stage, and income status, and place of residence, the study examined factors as well as maternal age and country of residence that may influence mental health outcomes.
Health outcomes
The researchers also examined the outcomes of women who did not lose their babies but experienced difficult deliveries.
A study found that anxiety and depression tend to be more common after loss in low-income, middle-income, and high-income countries in addition to finding similar levels of these psychological illnesses.
Younger motherhood did not appear to be associated with depression outcomes but was associated with anxiety levels.
During the study, no significant effects were observed on PTS outcomes due to perinatal loss. Further research is necessary to better understand the psychological and physical effects of recurrent loss.