The statistics show the State of Colorado is under huge pressure to curb the cases as they are facing the highest Covid-19 surge. As a result, the hospitalization beds are also falling short. The only hope left amongst the Coloradans is the booster shots for overcoming the deadly Covid-19 virus. As per the experts the Pfizer, BioNTech, and Moderna vaccinations are very effective for reducing Covid-19 infections, hospitalizations, and deaths. But these vaccines are not meant for the long term and the effectiveness will reduce drastically.
The Increase In Covid Cases Results In Fewer Hospital Beds In Colorado
In October, The Governor of Colorado directed all the medical agencies to start giving booster shots to all the adults. The expanded eligibility was for adults of 18 years and above to determine the severity and requirement for the booster shots.
According to the official reports, there were a total of 1,849 intensive care units, including critical and specialty ICU beds available in Colorado during 2018. And the major issue is the decreasing number of hospital general beds and intensive care beds and the State of Colorado never saw such a huge low with only 100 intensive care beds available in the state.
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is very concerned about the reducing capacity of beds and it has been expected that the greet and meet amongst people on the occasion of Thanksgiving days will cause a huge outbreak of delta variant and the real problem will start at that point of time.
Also, with the rise in the cold temperature in the upcoming weeks, the state will enter into some serious problems and the shortage of beds will increase.
As per some studies it has been found that people who have received both doses of vaccine and are eligible to receive the booster shot have fewer chances for hospitalization. The statistics show there are 8.9 times fewer chances for a person who has received the booster shot to get hospitalized with a severe condition.
The Senior Vice President of the Colorado Hospital Association took the time to comment on the current situation and showed his concern about the ICU beds for the serious patients suffering from the virus. He said that in the upcoming weeks there will be a huge rise in the cases and hospitalization rate will also surge drastically and the availability of ICU beds is not sufficient enough to cater to such a large number of cases.
According to Colorado’s governor, increasing the number of Covid-19 hospital general beds and ICU beds won’t affect the number of cases in the state. To increase immunity booster shot is the only alternative and people have to protect themselves from the virus by taking all the preventive measures.
The state medical authorities are urging the eligible Covid-19 booster shots, adults, to take their booster shots as soon as possible as it will help in reducing the Covid cases and hospitalization rate in the State.