The US Is Getting Armed To Fight Against The New Omicron Variant

Omicron is the new Coronavirus variant that is creating havoc across the globe with the level of transmissibility it posses according to the reports. Recently, scientists and researchers in South Africa found a variant of Coronavirus in some travelers, and the sample was collected on 9 November. Now, the world is at the risk of spreading this virus on a large scale. All the countries are arming themselves with all the effective measures to protect the population against the virus. 

The US Is Getting Armed To Fight Against The New Omicron Variant

The news came to light when the virus detected showed an unusual mutation in the coronavirus and was released on the 24th of November. Dr. Angelique Coetzee, a South African doctor is the first who raised the alarm informing about the new Omicron variant. 

The US Is Getting Armed To Fight Against The New Omicron Variant

After researching about this newly detected coronavirus variant, he stated that the “Omicron mutant variant although shows mild symptoms but has an extremely high rate of spreading and this is what makes it a serious concern. 

Also, The World Health Organization also named it as “Variant of Concern” as it has surely raised a number of questions about the severity of Covid 19 variant in the upcoming days as winters and Christmas Holiday are arriving and if there will be any outbreak in the country, the hospitalization rate will increase, and more unvaccinated people will get in contact. 

The fact that raises a huge problem is that the symptoms are so mild that they are hardly seen in a few patients. It creates an alarming situation regarding the spread of the Omicron variant. Besides, the virus shows high mutations in different patients which creates further questions regarding the safety of the citizens. 

Apart from this, Dr. Fauci and US CDC have raised concerns about the effectiveness of the vaccines, and is not yet confirmed whether these vaccines will be able to fight against this new mutant variant or not and till time all the proven facts are not available the risk is high and alarming. 

As per the Federal government, we are planning out new schemes and implementing new rules to control the spread of the Omicron variant. World Health Organization has stated that the risks of spread of this variant are very high and can lead to severe consequences. 

According to some sources, Moderna said that the effectiveness of the vaccine is being tested against the new variant. It might take a few weeks to see the results and get on firm outcomes. Chief Medical Officer Paul Burton stated that the symptoms are unknown and without complete information, we can’t put s stamp on the effectiveness of the vaccine. 

It is very important and urgent to understand to know the ability of the current vaccine on the mutant to provide significant protection to the population. It will take at least 2-3 weeks to determine the severity of the Omicron variant.”

Moderna and Pfizer Booster shots are already approved by the FDA for the population of the US. Moderna vaccine further is being tested for the new variant found and is also developing an updated vaccine variant that can fight the Omicron variant. Besides, Pfizer-BioNTech and Johnson & Johnson are also working on the stronger and upgraded vaccine version in the form of booster shots for the population.

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