16-17 Years Kids Might Get Under The Eligibility Criteria For The Booster

The Booster shots have gained much popularity in the past few weeks due to the increase in the covid cases in the United States. As per a statistical report from the US Centers for Disease and Control Preventions, there are approximately 47 adults who are yet to receive their vaccination shots. 

16-17 Years Kids Might Get Under The Eligibility Criteria For The Booster

As per the medical experts, kids are more prone to Covid 19 delta variant. During the initial days of November, the FDA approved the use of Pfizer to immunize kids between 5-11 years of age and the Federal Government also encouraged more parents to get their kids vaccinated. The major reasons behind the vaccination drive for these kids were the cold weather and Christmas holidays. 

16-17 Years Kids Might Get Under The Eligibility Criteria For The Booster

Also, The US Food and Drug Administration has allowed the emergency use of vaccination for 12-15 years of adolescents. 

The rise of the Omicron variant in the other parts of the world seems horrible and Joe Biden’s Government is planning to take every possible action to reduce the widespread outbreak of the Omicron variant in the United States.

President Biden has urged all the citizens to receive their vaccines and booster shots (for the adult vaccinated citizens) as it is the best possible way to stay protected and keep your family safe and intact against the Omicron variant of Covid 19.

Pfizer has asked the US Food and Drug Administration to authorize the use of booster shots for the age group between 16  and 17 years. Right now all adults of 18 years and above are eligible to receive their booster shots if they got vaccinated at least 6 months ago through Pfizer or Moderna vaccine and 2 months ago via Johnson & Johnson vaccine. 

As per some reports, the age group of 16 and 17 years might become eligible to receive the booster shots if the vaccine effectiveness is reduced.

The main agenda is to increase the immunity power to fight against the Omicron variant of coronavirus in the United States. 

The medical agencies in the US are working to understand this new variant and require more than two-three weeks time to learn more. This statement from Dr. Fauci came after he met President Joe Biden personally to discuss more the ongoing situation of the Omicron variant.

He further stated that the risk level of this variant is still unknown and not very clear but the level of mutations it carries shows the transmissibility of Omicron can be very fast and the current vaccines might not be much effective against the Omicron variant. 

The Government of the USA is urging all unvaccinated citizens to get vaccinated. The Pfizer CEO is also confident that our team of medical researchers is continuously working on optimizing the current vaccination to make it more suitable against the Omicron strain.

The US Centers for Disease and Control Prevention has said that “even if you are feeling mild symptoms of the virus, get yourself tested as more and more testing is the only way to curb the Covid 19.


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