The Omicron Variant To Be Less Severe But More Transmissible

Omicron is the second Covid 19 variant after the delta strain and it is now spreading very fastly. As per the sources, this newly detected variant of coronavirus is more transmissible than the delta variant. 

The Omicron Variant To Be Less Severe But More Transmissible

The first case was found in South Africa on 24 November and since its initial days of outbreak many scientists and researchers are investigating its evolution and some medical experts have been arguing that the roots of the Omicron variant lie in Hong Kong, though the news has not been made official by the authorities.  

The Omicron Variant To Be Less Severe But More Transmissible

Dr. Anthony Fauci, The Chief Medical Adviser of the Federal Government has also told President Joe Biden that as per the current statistics and analysis available, judging this new variant and coming to a final conclusion is not a good option and the medical researchers need more time to determine the severity of this strain on the human body.

Today Dr. Greene, the Director of the Center for HIV Cure research has stated that as per the analysis done on the available data, the new omicron variant is not very severe but it carries more mutations than the delta variant which makes it more contagious than the latter. 

He also announced that the early signals show the symptoms are very mild and in some cases in South Africa, the infected patients cured the omicron variant at home only so there can be fewer chances of hospitalization. 

Also, the experts are also focussing on the important data which might take more weeks to be analyzed. Furthermore, the omicron variant can harm the immunity system, and to increase immune power vaccination and booster shots are the best alternatives.

As per the reports available, the cases for the new variant have tripled in some days in South Africa and the chances are high that The United States might also face the same outbreak in some weeks.

Although the omicron variant has already crossed more than one-third of the States in the US, it has become a major matter of concern for the medical authorities to reduce the widespread of this variant in the nation. 

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has directed all the medical agencies and hospitals to reduce the shortage of major medical supplies and ICU beds in the country in order to slow down the cases and death rates in the country. 

The good news is that no death has been reported in the United States concerning the Omicron variant. Though many health care experts stated that the omicron variant possesses the potential to spread at a much faster rate, on the other hand, the delta variant is more lethal and can damage the immune system faster than the omicron.

The CDC also suggested that to curb the increasing cases and reduce the hospitalization cases in the country, the unvaccinated citizens much get vaccinated and increase the power of the immunity system.

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