Oxidative Stress, Oxidant Damage & Glutathione Levels Affected By Covid

According to a new study, Covid-19 has affected the pattern of Oxidative stress, oxidant damage, and Glutathione. This study was conducted by the researchers of Baylor College. The study was conducted by comparing healthy adults before the pandemic and people who got affected with Covid-19.

Oxidative Stress, Oxidant Damage & Glutathione Levels Affected By Covid

The published article stated that supplementation with GLYNAC will benefit people who are suffered or got infected with Covid-19.

Oxidative Stress, Oxidant Damage & Glutathione Levels Affected By Covid

An increase in oxidative stress and decrease in Glutathione is linked with many conductions such as obesity, aging, heart issues, HIV infections, diabetes, etc. Dr. Rajagopal Sekhar, an associate professor, stated that he and his team thought the Covid-19 infection would be affecting and has a major impact on the drastic changes in the levels of Oxidative stress and Glutathione. They later confirmed the same thing while studying and compared patients of Covid-19 with those who were never infected.

Dr. Rajagopal Sekhar, along with his team, collected samples from a total of 60 individuals. The age range of them was between 21 to 60.

They collected samples from the people who were under the treatment of Covid-19 and compared those with that of the healthy individuals. They worked on the pattern and studied the levels of oxidative stress and Glutathione.

The entire sample they worked on was divided into three groups. The first group consists of people between the age group of 21 to 40, the second group consists of people whose age ranges from 41 to 60, and the last was people above 61.

According to the previous research conducted by Sekhar and his team, the levels of oxidative stress, Glutathione, and oxidative damage are normal in a person until he/she reaches the age of 60 or above. The level of oxidant damage increases and Glutathione decreases; this is the general pattern observed and known. But, this pattern has changed a lot due to Covid-19.

These researchers were surprised to know the results. The results show that people of all the first two groups, who got infected with Covid-19, 21 to 40 and 41 to 60, have declined levels of Glutathione and more oxidative levels as compared to people of the same age but who did not get infected with Covid-19.

It was known to researchers already that healthy people of age 60 and above had declined levels of Glutathione and high levels of Oxidative stress. It was also observed that people above the age of 60 who got infected with Covid-19 had a much lower level of Glutathione and higher oxidative levels as compared to the healthy individual of the same age group.

This has been one of the discoveries which have given rise to many concerns. The results showed that young people who got infected with Covid-19 also had lower levels of Glutathione and high levels of oxidative.

This discovery and result left all the researchers surprised and shocked because all of this is not seen in the younger groups. This defect and situation keep on getting worse when people get older.

Oxidative stress levels are linked with free radical formation; these radicals are harmful to the membrane of the cell, lipids, proteins. Glutathione and oxidative stress go hand in hand. The cells in the human body produce Glutathione to help the body tackle Oxidative stress.

The same cells are used to remove and decrease the free radicals which contribute to stress. The accumulation of free radicals also has a major impact on the mental health of people.

Sekhar also stated that his previous works had shown the same results in people who have HIV and diabetes. They also observed that GlyNAC, a supplement improved all these defects in people.

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