The word endemic doesn’t mean the end of the virus after such great damage, it means that it will eventually decrease to a level where it becomes common and people contemplate it as other viral fevers. It also means that the people will gain immunity and will be able to protect themselves from other Innate infections.
The End Of The Coronavirus Epidemic Is The New Subject To Discuss
After the covid-19 specialists on November 26, 2021, found out omicron a new SAR-COV-2 variant of perturbs. Although this virus is less dangerous than covid-19 it has its effects on people. Investigators all over the world are piloting studies to better understand many facets of omicron and will pursue to share the findings and important features of these studies as they become obtainable.

Well, the contemporary studies divulged that it is not transparent whether omicron is more contagious than the prior viruses or not but they stated that proper precautions and care should be practiced to deal with it as it is not just a simple viral fever. However, the WHO and other organizations encouraged different countries to contribute their collection and portion their reports to appear at a particular conclusion for attenuating the virus.
Specialists said that omicron while being communicable appears less likely to dispatch someone to the infirmary. The variant’s astounding transmissibility could augment immunity, as it wrenches through the inhabitants, and once this flow of cases has ebbed makes the pandemic less menacing health emergency.
Many experts and scientists recently have perceived that the United States after suffering from its peak time of 2 months has noticed a gradual decrease in the covid and omicron cases. Simultaneously many scientists and doctors immediately after the announcement gave their statements regarding the fall in the cases.
Dr. Rochelle Wilensky the director of CDCP at White House briefing said that the covid cases have decreased slightly in the country which also gave good hope and confidence to the doctors and scientists who have been giving their 100% from day 1 to stop the virus from showing it’s lethal effects.
Some doctors also said that although the cases are coming down in America that doesn’t mean that Americans are out of danger.
Dr. Jonathan Li an IDP at Brigham and Women’s hospital in California said “Although the cases are falling it doesn’t mean that we are free because enormous people may still be contaminated. As many people who got ill as cases ascended to their peak will get contaminated on the sinking slope.
Though the virus indeed gave us a hard time to live, experts advocated that the Covid variant might be favorable for us in the future to deal with other viruses.
But Robert Wachter the chief of medicine of UC at San Francisco said” Every prognostication about the future has to come with the parenthesis that there could be a different variant that wrenches this up.
Scientists also suggest that after the moderation of omicron people may amplify their immunity and it would help them to suffer less pain during the next virus which may arrive soon because of human activities.
Although many scientists and doctors gave their statements about the cases and information on their variants no one stated about its end. Well from the above statements it is apparent that many different viruses will arrive in the future, it may be a new one or a variant of the current virus it all depends ” upon the air ” as said by Reich. Everybody is undetermined about what can happen next, it’s just the present in which we can put our 100% to protect our coming future. The more we work on our medical aspects and change things now the easier it will be in the future for us to sustain ourselves and our loved ones.