Waste From Covid Hospitals Creates Outbreak Of Health Complications

On 31st December 2019, the first covid case was reckoned in China. From then onwards the virus has been suspected in various parts of the world leading to an increase in the death and health complications rate. The covid19 has brought a very significant change in the lives of human beings and is still manifesting its effects.

Waste From Covid Hospitals Creates Outbreak Of Health Complications

Despite taking several precautions, building hospitals, and enforcing laws the covid is still not in control, and in actual fact, the cases are only expanding at devastating rates. Well, the construction of hospitals has helped a lot in reducing the coronavirus and healing the covid patients but the waste materials discharged from the covid hospitals acted as compensation in the expansion of the virus. These covid wastes have indeed increased the chances of the development of coronavirus. 

Waste From Covid Hospitals Creates Outbreak Of Health Complications

After the emitting wastes, the medical wastes are considered as the most destructive and hazardous waste globally. And especially during these covid times, medical waste can be the major source of the health complications and transmissibility of the virus. 

It was affirmed by scientists that the virus affects non-living things for about 24 hours that is a whole day and it was also asserted that the virus is highly contagious. So the waste discharged from the covid hospitals being affected by covid which is highly contagious is considered a threat and the patients and hospital members are requested to be highly careful on what they touch and discharge from the hospital. With the emanation of the pandemic, it was reported that hundreds of thousands of tonnes of medical waste was generated from the hospitals and played a major role in the destruction process. 

The WHO and health departments asserted that medical waste not only threatens the health of humans but many aquatic and animal lives also. The discharge of waste in the slums and rural areas has fetched a lot of health defection in these areas as people are not aware of the consequences and they often use these waste materials to satisfy their needs. Due to this recklessness, the infant mortality rate has increased to a significant extent in the past 2years and the survey’s investigation is still on the count. Not only in the rural areas but even in the urban areas the situation is worsening because of a lack of care and obedience to the rules enforced by the government. 

However, the WHO and health care departments have enforced some rules in the hospitals regarding the process of waste discouragement. The process of recycling medical and other wastes has been encouraged instead of dumping them in landfills. Many new machines have been invented and sent to the medical hospitals to disinfect and sort the waste materials before disposing of them.

While the hospitals not taking the required steps will be strictly punished with high charges. Many scientists and doctors have accentuated the importance of 2r’s (reuse and reduce)which can be obliging. The covid affected people are expected to segregate their waste in a particular bag by highlighting them for incineration. 

Many countries like the U.S, China, Russia, Australia, etc have discharged a very high amount of covid waste as reported by their national waste department. The U.S displaced China and got ranked at the first position, discharged almost 2.5 million tons of waste in the year 2020, and expanded to 8million tons of waste in the year 2021. It has become a serious issue in the country and all over the world. While the International waste departments have organized many internal meetings to resolve the issue which is not helping to alleviate the virus, they have also addressed the people to take the required steps at the minimum to control the contagiousness of the virus and covid wastes. 

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