Airlines Urge Biden Administration To Skip Testing For International Flights

The emerging omicron variants are causing a lot of trouble to nations across the world as travel has been majorly hampered losing millions of dollars. Several travel-related mandates have been set by the Biden administration to curb the rising cases of the covid 19 virus in the country.

Airlines Urge Biden Administration To Skip Testing For International Flights

During the outbreak of the omicron variant of the covid 19 in South Africa, The White House Administration banned the entry of citizens from the 8 African Countries where the omicron strain was widely spread, and even the American citizens were not allowed to enter the borders of the United States.

Airlines Urge Biden Administration To Skip Testing For International Flights

Soon after an increase in the omicron variant cases in the country, the Central Government imposed many new restrictions for both national and international travelers. 

Yesterday also the US medical agencies issued a warning announcement for travelers and stated that citizens must refrain from traveling to countries like Brazil, Peru, Singapore, Brazil, and a few others because of the rising cases of the new variant of coronavirus.

In case of any emergency people with all due care and precautions must travel and if traveling is of non-emergency nature then surely try to postpone the travel.

The travel industry in the country along with the airline companies have asked the authorities to skip the COVID 19 testing for those who have been fully vaccinated and fit for travel. This is being done keeping in mind the recovery of the economy and to increase the rates of international travel. The travel market in the United States needs to revive. 

Also, the airline companies have faced a lot of losses during the Christmas and New year Holidays because of the cancellation of thousands of fights. The omicron virus has badly affected the companies due to the shortage of staff.

Since the nation is moving towards stability, the level of vaccination is increasing, and people are achieving better immunity, this move could be considered by the Biden administration from the point of view of the industries.

Also, booster shots are being made available to achieve strong immunity levels against the omicron infection. On removing the need to present the negative COVID test, the travel and aviation industry may begin to flourish. Also, the mask mandate rule is also applicable. 

Currently, a traveler has to show a negative report of the covid 19 testing at least before 24 hours. It must be noted that earlier only the inbound air travelers were supposed to present the negative COVID test report before boarding off to the flights.

It was mandatory for people to produce it within 3 days of departure and only that would be accepted. However, as the cases showed a spike, the Biden administration reduced the time duration to 1 day to produce a negative test report. 

International traveling needs a boost to recover itself from the ground position once again. To cover up the losses being faced by these industries, it is important for the Biden administration to bring some changes in the mandates set. 

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