Press Briefing: President And Dr. Fauci Discussed The Latest Developments

The White House Administration has been taking various tough decisions to prevent further infection and deaths in the United States. The Covid 19 response team is playing an important role in reviving the country and its economy. 

Press Briefing: President And Dr. Fauci Discussed The Latest Developments

Dr. Anthony Fauci who is leading the US medical system as a Chief Medical Adviser has stated that we are rigorously working on curbing the rising omicron variant cases which are almost 98 percent of the total covid 19 infections. 

Press Briefing President And Dr. Fauci Discussed The Latest Developments

On Tuesday, Dr. Fauci discussed about the vaccination for kids below 5 years of age as Pfizer has already submitted an application to the US Food and Drug Administration to receive an official authorization to start vaccinating the kids. For this, an official committee of the FDA will meet on 15 February and will discuss the data and reports shared by Pfizer. 

During the Press Meeting, Dr. Murthy along with Fauci discussed the plans and policies that are required to help the nation to revive by curbing the rising cases of new variants.

Along with the covid, 19 response team talked about the arrival of the subtype of the omicron strain, BA.2, which is considered to be highly contagious in nature and can travel 1.5 times much faster than the original version. 

The data available also relieved a decrease of almost 36 percent in the positive cases and the current tally of average per day cases in the United State is around 446,400 cases and this shows a positive sign to the medical agencies and citizens. 

Although Dr. Fauci stated that people need to understand that the declining number of cases doesn’t give them the right to roam freely without following proper protocols and precautionary measures. 

Also, as of now, around 160,000 people have been admitted to the hospitals in the country but in the past week, the country has witnessed a low of 14 percent in the seven day average per day hospitalization admissions which stood at 17,100 and this will lead to a lower mortality rate in the US. 

On the other hand, this week has witnessed 2300 average daily fatalities which were 2400 the previous week. A decline in the cases and deaths shows that the omicron peak is slowly reducing. 

During the press briefing, President Biden also discussed about the vaccination and booster shots rate in the country. A combination of the initial two doses of the vaccination and booster jab has significantly reduced the chances of hospitalization and death by 90 percent.

And according to the experts, it is a great number. There was a 9 times difference in the death rate amongst the vaccinated and unvaccinated citizens in the country. 

President Biden also announced that we are moving into a better situation when it comes to vaccinating the adult population and 88 percent of the adult citizens 65 years and above have been fully vaccinated. 

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