Vaccine Refusers May Soon Get Fired From The Military, Says The White House Administration 

Covid vaccination in the US is always in the spotlight. The introduction of vaccine mandates and subsequent changes in the vaccination norms makes it the talk of the town. Last month the US Supreme Court restricted the Federal Government from imposing vaccination mandate rules on American Citizens.

Vaccine Refusers May Soon Get Fired From The Military, Says The White House Administration 

According to the reports, private employees won’t fall under the vaccine mandate law of the Biden Administration. Now only Frontline workers and Central employees have to compulsory.

The White House: Vaccine Refusers May Soon Get Fired From The Military

On Wednesday, the Pentagon made an official announcement stating that the army will soon start discharging the vaccine refusers from the military as per the communication received by the Federal Government Officials. It has been expected that it will keep more than 3300 service members at risk.

The Central government wants everyone in the army to get vaccinated as soon as possible and also around 97 percent of the personnel are already vaccinated. The discharge policy of the army is drafted to support the vaccination drives and compel military personnel to take their shot of vaccination at the earliest.

Moreover, earlier the marine camps, navy, air force, and some entry-level personnel were discharged from the boot camps for refusing the vaccine shots due to any reason. 

Positively, till now the army has not officially discharged any of its personnel due to the refusal to take the Covid vaccine. As per the latest data and reports from the Army around 3300 army personnel have not taken their shot of vaccination yet. A large proportion of this community has refused to take the vaccination. 

Moreover, the Pentagon House has also received written reprimands from around 3000 army soldiers for the exemption to receive vaccines.

The spokesperson of the army said that these soldiers may be the first ones to get discharged as unvaccinated people are at greater risk of getting infected and transferring infection from one person to another in no time. 

Meanwhile, the Pentagon has issued an official statement requesting all the top-level officers, national guards, active-duty members, Navy, Marine Personnel, and reserve members to come forward and take their vaccination shots at the earliest and contribute towards a safe nation and help in ending the pandemic soon. 

The move was to maintain the health and well-being of the service personnel in these crucial times. The objective is to ensure that the force is fit, fine, and ready for any uncertainty.

The Army is sometimes in direct touch with the citizens and even some security personnel have been deployed at the hospitals to assist the medical staff and fill the space against the shortage of healthcare workers in the US. 

The Pentagon also states the current surge due to the Omicron variant has covered almost half of the country. Therefore, it is important to safeguard and protect oneself against the deadly virus with the aid of vaccination and soon booster shots will be made available for the army.

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