Covid-Linked MIS-C Shows Long Term Symptoms In Kids

The Covid infection has become common among kids in the third wave. The first and second waves did not see so many kids being affected. A new study has shown that children who suffer from severe Covid infection show various neurological complications like MIS-C. This multisystem inflammatory syndrome can sometimes last for many months, and some of the common symptoms include difficulty in paying attention, sleep disturbances, anxiety, headache, brain fog, and even depression.

Surprisingly, neurological complications are more common, and doctors say that nearly 10-20% of the children who suffer from severe Covid face such complications. Even though the symptoms slow down after taking specific treatment, they can last for many months. The sad thing is that there is no particular treatment for MIS-C and even the condition goes unrecognized in many cases. In this situation, vaccinating the kids is the only way to prevent such Covid related complications.

Covid-Linked MIS-C Shows Long Term Symptoms In Kids

The study analyzed the health records of several kids before and after the Covid infection. In children who developed such neurological complications, the symptoms were found even after 26 weeks in nearly half of the participants. This goes on to show that MIS-C can haunt your kids for a long time after the infection. The most common complications were sleep problems and psychiatric issues among children.

Covid-Linked MIS-C Shows Long Term Symptoms In Kids

The problem was more visible in children who stayed in ICU during Covid infection. This goes to show the direct link between the severity of Covid infection and MIS-C complications after the infection. Doctors say that parents should carefully watch out for the symptoms and approach the hospital as soon as they notice any issues. As there is no particular way to treat this condition, doctors often treat the specific symptoms with relevant medication. In this way, the situation can be controlled to some extent. However, in the long run, the symptoms usually subside after taking proper treatment.

It is common for kids to experience disturbed sleep during hospitalization. However, after a severe Covid infection, such symptoms continue for many months, and children are not able to fall asleep easily during the night. This impacts their social behavior and often leads to psychiatric issues. MIS-C can even be fatal in some cases. However, in the case of children, this condition often subsides after a few months of treatment.

Experts say that the best way to deal with sleep disorders is to avoid taking a nap during the daytime. In this way, the body longs for sleep during the nighttime, and there will be fewer disturbances throughout the night. Yet another important thing to focus on is to avoid screen time in the evening. In this way, the body prepares itself to go to sleep during the night. Apart from that, eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly keep the sleep cycle intact.

Researchers are still unclear as to what causes MIS-C in Covid infected children. In some cases, neurological complications can even lead to inflammation in the heart, brain, lungs, and other organs of the body. Due to these reasons, the problem has to be taken seriously, and symptoms should be treated as soon as they appear in children. Doctors say that the stress of staying in ICU for a few days can impact many children, and this often leads to neurological complications.

Considering all these complications, doctors suggest that parents should get their kids vaccinated at the earliest to avoid such complications. Even when vaccinated kids are infected, the outcome is not severe, and they do not need critical care during Covid infection. The vaccines can prevent hospitalizations in a majority of cases.

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