Mask Mandate Rule Must Prevail In The Country, States CDC

Several states in the US are witnessing a decline in the COVID cases and are thinking of lifting the mask mandates. With the coming of booster shots and an increase in the number of people getting vaccinated, some positive results are being observed.

Mask Mandate Rule Must Prevail In The Country, States CDC

It is a great relief for everyone that the situations are getting stable gradually and getting under control. Some states are even planning to lift the mask mandates for schools and go ahead with normalcy.

Mask Mandate Rule Must Prevail In The Country, States CDC

On Monday, The Governor Phil Murphy of the State of New Jersey announced that we have started to receive more than 90 percent fewer cases when compared to the previous week’s reports.

Keeping in mind such a scenario, the administration has planned to remove the mask mandate rule for the school-going children in the State.

Although the main power will lie with the school authorities and if they want kids to wear masks when they are free to do so and the decision will come into effect from March 7, 2022.

Also, the applicability of such a decision depends upon the vaccination rate for the kids in different states. The current vaccination rate amongst young children and adolescents is not up to the mark and the medical authorities must focus on expanding the vaccine base. 

In the month of January when the omicron variant was at its peak, the cases amongst very young children were increasing very fastly. Also, the hospitalization and mortality rate doubled and tripled in some states. 

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has directed the state to keep in the process the mask mandate rule but the states are taking the decision the other way.

On being questioned, the medical organization simply informed that it promotes wearing of masks for every school kid to safeguard their health to the maximum extent. 

Also, one must know that masks are the only primary source of protection for everyone and are meant for individual safety. The mask reduces the risk of the initial transfer of infection in the human body by 90 percent as per the studies conducted. 

Talks have also been going around how the nation will undergo a transition into the normal state once again and how the people and government administration will handle it.

Though there are no clear plans as per the medical health experts, the CDC may revise its guidelines for all the schools under a new plan to ensure that masks are not dropped from the safety list as the lives of the kids are on the topmost priority for the Federal Government and healthcare authorities in the United States. 

Currently, the states are making decisions according to the situations presiding and as per their will by analyzing the current results and the future situation. The decrease in the number of hospitalizations and the people testing positive is one of the major factors behind the state’s decision to lift the mask mandate.

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