Taking High Doses Of CPA Increases The Risk Of Benign Brain Tumors

According to the latest study, a high dose of the commonly used hormonal drug cyproterone acetate is associated with an increased risk of benign brain tumor meningiomas. This condition often leads to disability as it compresses the nearby nerves in the brain and leads to various complications. Studies have indicated that using the CPA drug for a long duration in high doses can lead to meningiomas. The drug is commonly used for various hormonal issues like excess hair growth and prostate cancer.

Taking High Doses Of CPA Increases The Risk Of Benign Brain Tumors

Normally, low doses of CPA are used to treat alopecia, which may not do much harm. However, such medication should not be used for a prolonged duration to avoid complications in the long run. On the other hand, a high dose of CPA is prescribed to patients who have prostate cancer.

Taking High Doses Of CPA Increases The Risk Of Benign Brain Tumors

A dosage of more than 50 mg per day is considered high, according to experts. This dosage is often given to prostate cancer patients when the condition is inoperable. Such patients are at high risk of developing benign brain tumor meningiomas when the medication is used for a prolonged period.

The disadvantage with meningiomas is that it is not easy to detect the tumor, and it goes unnoticed in a majority of cases. It is a slow-growing tumor, and most patients may not notice any symptoms in the early stages. In many cases, the condition is often detected accidentally when imaging tests are done for other health conditions. Due to the nature of the tumor, it is important to identify the condition in the early stage to avoid complications in the future.

Interestingly, the CPA medication is commonly used across the country, and many patients are regularly using such medication to treat hormonal problems. In this regard, it is important to understand the risks associated with using such medication for a prolonged period. The study focused on patients who were using the medication in both low and high doses as per the instructions of the doctors. When the incidence of meningiomas was analyzed in such patients, it was found that patients using high doses of CPA medication for an extended duration had more chances of developing meningiomas. On the other hand, patients who used low doses of this medication were not at high risk of developing complications.

Experts say that the cause of meningiomas is not exactly known. However, the study has shown a clear link between the condition and extended use of CPA medication in high doses. In this regard, doctors should be more careful when suggesting such medication to patients for hormonal issues. The use of such medication has to be monitored carefully as this usually creates problems when it is used for a long duration. Doctors can limit such medication to a shorter duration or reduce the dosage to avoid complications. This has to be studied further so that dangerous medications can be avoided in the long run.

It is also a good idea to routinely screen patients who use high doses of CPA medication for meningiomas. In this way, any complications can be detected in the early stage, and the tumor can be treated effectively before it affects other nerves in the brain. Experts suggest a brain MRI for patients who use CPA medication in high doses as this can help identify the early symptoms of meningiomas.

Considering the direct link between CPA medication and the risk of meningiomas, experts say that it is better to avoid the medication even in low doses for a prolonged period. As there is no clear evidence to show that it is safe in low doses, it is better to look for other alternatives to treat hormonal problems.

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