Dakota Johnson Reveals ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ As ‘psychotic’

Dakota Johnson, the lead actress in the sensual drama trilogy “Fifty Shades of Grey,” talks out about her experience on set years after the film’s initial release. “those enormous naked flicks” was how she described her career’s best film during an interview with Vanity Fair. There are three sensuous romantic drama films in the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy. E. L. James’ Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy served as the inspiration for the film series.

In A Recent Dakota Johnson Interview, She Details Her Experience In Film Fifty Shades Of Grey’

Jamie Dornan portrays Christian Grey and Dakota Johnson portrays Anastasia Steele in the film. Filming began on February 13, 2015, with Fifty Shades of Grey, and finished on February 10, 2016, with Fifty Shades Darker.

Fifty Shades Freed, the final film in the trilogy, was released on February 9th, 2018. At nearly $1.32 billion, the trilogy is the seventh-highest grossing film franchise ever for an R rating (PG-13).

Vanity Fair released an interview with me on Tuesday. Most of Dakota’s experiences while filming the hot romance plays based on E.L. James’ trilogy of novels were revisited in this episode of her show. The cover story indicated that Dakota wanted to play Anastasia Steele since she is a sexual person.

She hoped to explore the author’s masterfully crafted ideas in the original book series while playing the role. However, the experience she had on set was the exact opposite of her expectations. According to her, the studio, director, and E.L. James were all to blame for her signing up for a very different film than what they ended up doing.

Dakota Johnson Reveals 'Fifty Shades Of Grey' As 'psychotic'

There were a number of creative controls in place for the author, according to the actress, and she would demand adjustments every day. In part, this was due to the fact that filming exactly what is written in a book, such as the character’s inner monologues, is difficult. For her, none of this would be possible because it was always a struggle. Even so, she remarked, “We’d do the takes for Erika’s movie first, and then we’d do the takes for ours.”

Even in the midst of all the difficulties they faced, Dakota Johnson stated she was confident that the film would be compelling. When she was auditioning for the movie, she recited a monologue from Persona and thought it was going to be something amazing. She even claimed that the shoot had its share of problems. As if things couldn’t get any crazier or trickier, the original co-star Charlie Hunnam dropped out owing to a conflict in their schedules.

What can I say about Dakota? She’s ecstatic about what the two of them have accomplished together and doesn’t have any regrets. “If I had realized at the time that that’s what it was going to be like, I don’t think anyone would’ve done it,” she says, expressing her own thoughts.” Despite the fact that she labels her art “crazy,” she is satisfied and has no regrets.


Finally, she notes that this was very different from the experience she had hoped to have from the film. However, she is pleased with the experience because it was enjoyable and educational at the same time. Actors were handled with respect and made to feel at ease throughout the production, according to the actress.

In addition, she never forgot to express her gratitude to the author of the narrative, E.L. James (her real name is Erika). And she’s very delighted to be a part of those movies because Erika has always been lovely. She sees the film as a significant moment in their career. She’s overjoyed, but at the same time thinks it’s strange.

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