Katie Price’s Speeding Charge Dropped As Of Insufficient Evidence

The two charges against Katie Price were thrown out of court because there wasn’t enough evidence to back up the accusations. Katie, who is 44 years old, was charged with going over the speed limit of 60 mph last September, and she was also charged with not turning in the information on January 26, 2022.

Monday was the hearing at Crawley Magistrates’ Court. Since there was no proof, the two cases against her were dropped. The hearing was supposed to happen on Tuesday, but it was moved up to Monday, which was a good thing.

Two Charges Against Katie Price Dismissed Due To Lack Of Evidence

Katie crashed her BMW on the B2135 near Partridge Green in West Sussex last September. She was given a suspended sentence after the accident.

She was then given a sentence of 16 weeks in prison, but it was put on hold for 12 months. Instead, she has to do 100 hours of unpaid work and go to rehabilitation sessions for the next 12 months.

Katie Price's Speeding Charge Dropped As Of Insufficient Evidence

At Lewes Crown Court, she was also told she couldn’t drive for two years and was given a community order to pay £85.

She was seen in Thailand with her boyfriend Carl Woods not too long ago. The couple was out shopping and looked like they were having a great time.

Katie could have gone to jail last month because she broke a restraining order. She was told this right after she pleaded guilty to breaking the order. After that, she sent a message to Michelle Penticost, who was engaged to Kieran Hayler, her ex. The court was told to pay costs of £1,500.

Katie Price Reveals About Her Emotional Disorder

Nicholas Hamblin said that his client Katie had pleaded guilty to breaking the restraining order, but that she had made a mistake and thought that the order worked both ways.

Nicholas even told people that Katie Price went to Priory Clinic for help with her emotional problems, which made her feel really bad.

The reports show that she had both an anxiety disorder and a mood disorder. Katie had nothing but bad luck. Then, she worked hard to deal with how she felt. She even tried to watch what she said and did because it didn’t work the way it used to in the same situation.

Nicholas, her lawyer at the time, told her some new things about Katie, like how she has two different personalities. The one that is public and the one that is vulnerable because it is public. No matter what, she stays in the public eye every day.

Judge Mooney said he needs to know everything about her past before the hearing.

Nicholas has already told the court about her past because the court asked him to. He then said that Katie was in worse mental and physical shape at the time of the crime than she was before.


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