cyclops xmen
Many of the MCU Easter Eggs in the first episode of Ms. Marvel were sparked by the advent of AvengerCon. In-universe gathering of ardent Avengers fans from around the world, the fan convention. One of the most thrilling scenes in the Disney+ series is undoubtedly the AvengerCon sequence, which features Iman Vellani’s Kamala Khan in the lead role.
Disney has also launched an official website for the convention, giving viewers a better look at the important MCU event, in response to fandom’s enthusiastic response to the AvengerCon footage.
Additionally, Bisha K. Ali, Ms. Marvel’s executive producer, confirmed that Korg and a Pegasus-like “winged horse” that Valkyrie rides in Avengers: Endgame were among the AvengerCon cameos that were removed. Now it looks like a major X-Men allusion almost made it into AvengerCon.
X-Men’s Cyclops Almost Appeared In Ms. Marvel
Ms. Marvel concept artist Shae Shaz recently revealed brand new promotional artwork from the production of the Disney+ series that featured an unexpected Easter egg involving the X-Men.
Scenes from the AvengerCon sequence from the first episode were depicted in official concept art, with an X-Men performer playing Cyclops in the background:
Fasten your seatbelt for a peek at the Cyclops cosplayer! The cosplayer’s outfit appears to be a replica of Cyclops’ outfit from Uncanny X-Men #500:
Another snap revealed that a Stormtrooper almost appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe series.
In the new concept art, Ant-Man and The Hulk also caught the eye.
Paul Rudd’s Giant-Man from an AvengerCon exhibit was also shown from another angle:
When will the X-Men be fully revealed in the MCU?
Any MCU fan would have been shocked to learn that AvengerCon contained a Cyclops Easter egg, but it would also have caused a lot of issues with the continuity of the series. The X-Men Easter egg may have been added by concept artist Shae Shaz as a playful homage to mutants just before the studio banned him from posting such a reference.
The behavior of the Stormtrooper in the photo is the same. The discovery of a Cyclops Easter egg at AvengerCon would have stunned any MCU fan, but it would also have created a lot of problems for the continuity of the series. Concept artist Shae Shaz may have included the X-Men Easter egg as a lighthearted ode to mutants shortly before the studio blocked him from making such a reference. The Stormtrooper in the image acts exactly the same.