Who Is Emilio Persico? Edad Wikipedia And Biografia

While in Sweden, Emilio felt compelled to confront “the system”.

After coming into contact with a “revolutionary” who was receiving wire transfers provided to him by his family in La Plata, the Swedish authorities decided to arrest him and remove him without giving a reason.

After that, he could not return to his revolutionary cause. His operation ended when he received a phone call from a bank manager in Spain who demanded the presence of Spanish law enforcement officers. It’s because he didn’t believe the word of a beggar who wanted to collect $1,000 in Buenos Aires.

Emilio Persico has one of the most unusual life stories.
Emilio Persico has one of the most unusual life stories. (Source: Batimes)

Therefore, after several days of the picket’s detention, Spain offered that he continue his dubious exile in another country. For this reason, he decided to try his luck in Mexico, where he attempted to deliver a speech on “socialism” to the descendants of Pancho Villa.

However, to live up to his namesake, the little mouse “Speedy” González, he had to take a quick trip to the city of La Plata. When he returned, he was angry and forced to work as an apprentice in many different factories. He was a pest to the foremen and he questioned their political beliefs as they sent him to the bathroom to flush the toilet.

After being fired from several factories, he took refuge in Intransigence and Mobilization, led by Vicente Leónidas Saadi. Later, he joined Peronismo Revolucionario and Peronismo que Resiste, which were the two groups that co-founded Quebracho. He remained a member of Peronismo Resiste for several years before returning to the PJ. Persico can establish itself in the Argentinian market of artisanal ice cream parlors thanks to its commercial strategy.

At present the Persicco Glacier operates from six opulent locations in the towns of Palermo (on Salguero and Cabello), Belgrano (on Migueletes and Mauré, in the ‘La Imprenta’ complex and Vuelta de Obligado 2092, in the premises adjoining the ‘La Ronda’ church of Cabildo and Juramento), Caballito (on Rivadavia 4933), (in the Nordelta countryside shopping center). These establishments charge exorbitant prices and cater to a very philosophical clientele, unlike those who support the Evita movement. They are also asking poor young people usually seen begging in the area to retire with them.

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